Anna Renzi: Music Written for Opera's First Prima Donna
This event will include a Lecture-Recital performance followed by a Q+A component.
Maltz Performing Arts Center Livestream
Join the live Q+A Session at the Zoom link provided below.
Emily Curto, soprano
Alan Choo and Guillermo Salas-Suarez, violin
Peter Bennett, harpsichord
"Eccomi quasi priva" from L'Incoronazione di Poppea | Claudio Monterverdi (1567-1643)
"Pietà, numi, pietà" from L'Argia | Antonio Cesti (1623-1669)
From La Finta Savia | Filiberto Laurenzi (c. 1620- after 1651)
“Ben si vede che fuggito”
“Sovra il dorso di Giove”
“Su l’erba fiorita”
“Per far nascere un Chirone”
“Trope forze ha la beltà”
Emily Curto, soprano, is a master’s student in the Case Western Reserve University Historical Performance Practice program, studying with Ellen Hargis and Dina Kuznetsova. She received a degree in vocal performance from Susquehanna University where she frequently performed Renaissance and Baroque chamber music with the University Choir and Chamber Choir. Focusing primarily on early music and new music, Curto has performed the roles of Arianna in Handel’s Arianna in Creta, and Amy in scenes from Mark Adamo’s Little Women. She performed solo recitals in the United States and in Niigata, Japan, where she sang solo and chamber repertoire by Mozart and Hugo Wolf. She greatly enjoys collaborating with composers on new music and was featured both as a conductor and soloist in the premiere of Benjamin Nylander’s operetta Grey Area. In addition to performing and researching early music, Curto has taught private voice lessons to singers of all ages through Selinsgrove’s Music Preparatory Program.