A.I. Root Apiary and Honey House

The A.I. Root Farm Apiary is located at the Squire Valleevue Farm (Upper Farm) by the Community Gardens and north to the Green Barn. It currently contains 6 beehives.

Line of people standing in line in front of A.I. Root Apiary and Honey House

The A.I. Root Apiary is used for academic activities including continuing education classes, local schools visits and undergraduate courses. It was expanded to allow for the safe and close viewing of honeybee activity thanks to a generous gift by the A.I.Root company (rootcandles.com).

The Honey House is located in the east wing of the renovated Green Barn next to the Farm Apiary. It serves as a teaching and production area. It contains a commercial grade sink, a honey extractor and all the other beekeeping equipment including protective gear, such as gloves, hats, veils, and jackets.