Admissions Timeline

March: Application and Casper assessment are available

  • CASAA application opens March 11, 2025. If you have questions or technical issues pertaining to CASAA, call CASAA Customer Service at 617.612.2077 or email
  • Casper assessment by Acuity Insights is available. If you have questions or technical issues pertaining to Casper, click “Contact Us” at the top of any of the Acuity Insights webpages.

October 1: Early decision application deadline

  • CASAA application must be submitted and complete by October 1 for early decision consideration. If the deadline falls on a weekend, the deadline becomes the next business day.
  • It can take up to 10 business days for CASAA to verify your application, so we recommend that applications be submitted as early as possible.
  • The Casper assessment must be completed (preferred) or registered for by October 1.

August - December: Interviews held and offers of admission made

  • Competitive applicants who apply early decision are invited to interview at their first preference location.
  • Offers of admission will be made on a rolling basis.

January 15: Regular decision application deadline

  • CASAA application must be submitted and complete by January 15 for regular decision consideration. If the deadline falls on a weekend, the deadline becomes the next business day.
  • It can take up to 10 business days for CASAA to verify your application, so we recommend that applications be submitted as early as possible.
  • Note that the final Casper assessment date for the 2025-2026 application cycle is December 4, 2026.

January - February: Additional interviews held and offers of admission made

  • Competitive applicants who apply regular decision are invited to interview at their first preference location.
  • Offers of admission will be made on a rolling basis.

Early March: Admissions decisions made

  • All applicants who have not already received an admissions decision will receive their decision in early March.

March - May: Offers extended to alternates

  • Offers of admission will be extended to applicants who received an “alternate” admissions decision.
  • The program will notify the student immediately in the event of an open position or once enrollment is closed.
  • Students on the alternate list should make sure their coursework is in order in case an offer of admission is made to them.

May: Classes begin

  • The MSA program starts in the Summer semester, the Tuesday following Memorial Day.