The Master of Science in Anesthesia Program in Washington is located at One Dupont Circle alongside the American Council on Education and the National Center of Higher Education.
The MSA Offices
The program offices reside in Suite 600 on One Dupont Circle, NW. Dupont Circle is a cosmopolitan residential neighborhood, with easy access to the metro to get to nearby clinical sites.
Our Learning Environments
In addition to administrative and faculty offices, the suite also contains designated classroom space where didactic lectures and distance learning classes, which include the pharmacology and physiology coursework that MSA students complete with their peers in Cleveland, Houston, and Austin. The space also contains a student lounge and kitchenette, a computer bank, and a small library.
Additionally, the simulation laboratory is housed in the suite. The lab is maintained by our director of simulation in Washington and certified anesthesiologist assistants, who oversee and operate the simulations. Designed to look and feel like an operating room, the lab experience allows students to hone their anesthesia care techniques through participating in real-world scenarios. The lab is a central component of the Master of Science in Anesthesia curriculum.
Additional Resources
The CWRU MSA Program in Washington incorporates four sessions with a counselor into student coursework to emphasize mental health and wellness, and to ensure students are prepared to deal with difficult situations in the operating room.
The Washington offices are located less than three miles from the United States Capitol and the National Mall. The proximity has allowed an emphasis on advocacy to develop naturally within the program, and many MSA students are passionate about supporting local and national legislation for the expansion of the profession specifically and for healthcare generally.
Just east of the Capitol building is the Library of Congress, which MSA students can acquire a free membership to for research and studying purposes. The Library holds approximately 750,000 items, including monographs, texts, and journals, on or related to medicine, healthcare, and public policy. Once registered members, students have access to request materials from the collection and can access the Library’s public reading rooms—in addition to the exhibitions and national treasures that are generally open to tourists.
In addition to the physical resources available, Washington students can also access several digital resources at Case Western Reserve University using their network ID. Students have unlimited free access to LinkedIn Learning, a leading video-based training provider that offers thousands of training courses. Students also have access to other resources and digital services that can be found here. Case Western Reserve students are eligible for discounts on technology products from providers such as Apple and Dell through the eStore and have complete access to the electronic database at the Cleveland Health Science Library and the Kelvin Smith Library, which includes a vast collection of eJournals and eBooks.