Our human microbiota consists of complex communities where microbial interactions modulate bacterial behavior and influence human health. The Lewin lab is interested in understanding the role of microbial interactions in polymicrobial sites, especially the oral microbiome. We use cutting-edge computational techniques and wet-lab approaches to study these interactions in the context microbial diversity and the dynamic infection environment.
Research Information
Research Interests
Microbe-microbe interactions, oral microbiome, microbial physiology, microbial ecology
Research Projects
Our human microbiota consists of complex communities where microbial interactions modulate bacterial behavior and influence human health. The Lewin lab uses ecological and evolutionary frameworks to understand the role of these microbial interactions in polymicrobial sites, especially the oral microbiome. For instance, we are using cutting-edge computational techniques and wet-lab approaches to study how community-level diversity, population-level diversity, and transcriptomic diversity influence microbe-microbe interactions and ultimately, disease. In addition, we are interested in how the dynamic infection environment modulates microbial physiology, spatial patterning, and microbial interactions.
Website: thelewinlab.com