Payment Holding Period

After a payment is made, a financial hold is not released immediately (same day). There is a payment holding or waiting period based on the payment method used to clear the outstanding balance. Although there is no payment holding period for Guaranteed funds, 529 or College Savings Plan, or Financial Aid, a financial hold is not automatically released the same day. Please contact our office at or 216.368.2226 for same day release.

Below is a table with examples of when (date) a financial hold is automatically released, based on the payment method used. Please be aware that certain payment method(s) may have an additional processing fee.

Calendar days are used as an estimate for business days.

If a financial hold is not automatically released after the payment Holding Period, please contact our office at or 216.368.2226 to request an account review.

Payment Method Holding (Waiting) Period Date Payment Posted in SIS Date Hold is Auto-Released
Guaranteed funds: 0 calendar day hold January 2 January 3
Cashier's Check
Money Order
Bank Wire
Credit Card via CWRUpay
529 or College Savings Plan 0 calendar day hold January 2

January 3

Financial Aid, including student loans 0 calendar day hold January 2 January 3
Electronic Check (E-Check) via CWRUpay 7 calendar days hold January 2 January 9
Mailed Personal Check 12 calendar days hold January 2 January 14