Microsoft Clipchamp Now Available

Microsoft has made a new web application called Clipchamp available to the CWRU community. Clipchamp is an easy to use video editing software with AI capabilities.

Create a new video from scratch using your webcam or by recording your screen. Edit an existing video. Add visual interest with the provided stock photos and videos. Add a voice over to your video by typing in the text and the built-in AI will convert the text into natural sounding speech with a variety of voice styles to choose from. Or use your own voice over and use AI to automatically remove the pauses and "um’s". Clipchamp can even automatically create captions for your video.

To begin using Clipchamp, go to, sign in with your university credentials, click on the "App launcher" (the 9 dot cube) in the upper left corner, and type "Clipchamp" in the search box or select "More apps".