4:00 PM
Harkness Chapel, Classroom
Music colloquia provide a weekly forum for presentation and discussion of recent research by distinguished visitors and CWRU faculty and graduate students in musicology, historical performance practice, and music education.
All talks happen on Fridays at 4:00 PM (Eastern) in Harkness Chapel, Classroom, and are open to the public unless noted otherwise.
About the Talks and Speakers
Music Education Lightning Talks
Jessica L. G. Steuver, she/her, is a PhD choral music education student at CWRU. Her Lightning Talk will explore the process of creating a multi-tiered assessment plan for non-auditioned ensembles, which often contain a plethora of skill and experience levels. This program was piloted last semester with CWRU’s University Chorale, the non-auditioned treble choir conducted by Jessica.
Andy Novak is in his third year as a part-time MA student at CWRU. He is a vocal music teacher for Bay Village City Schools. For his lighting talk, Andy will be discussing sight-singing assessment strategies for middle school and high school choirs.
University Health and Counseling Services (UH&CS) is committed to protecting the health and well-being of our campus community. Masking is not required on campus, but those who wish to wear masks may do so. Individuals with symptoms of COVID, who have recently completed isolation for COVID, or who have been exposed to COVID should wear a well-fitting mask, as per CDC guidelines.