Before and Emergency (Pre-Plan)

  1. Know where the fire alarm pull stations are located in your area and how to use them.
  2. Know how to get help: Call Police & Security Services (216.368.3333); Cleveland Fire/Cleveland Heights (Campus Phone 9-911 or Non-Campus Phone 911). You should post these numbers by your office phone and save them in your cell phone.
  3. Know where the exits are from your floor or area and where the entrances to the stairways are located on your floor and how to access them.
  4. Know where fire extinguishers are located in your area.
  5. Keep the exits clear of any obstructions at all times.
  6. If you may need any special assistance during an evacuation, notify and discuss it with the Department of Environmental Health and Safety, 216.368.2907. Do not wait until an actual emergency occurs. 
  7. Faculty and staff should advise their students how to respond to alarms and where evacuation routes are from their classrooms, labs, or offices.  They should also participate in planning for providing assistance to any student who may have difficulty during an evacuation. This should be done within the first two weeks of class.