Teaching Information
Teaching Interests
- Health Promotion and Wellness
- Health Systems Management
- Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Science
- Leadership
- Community Health
Research Information
Research Interests
- HIV Self-management
- Interventions for health behavior change
- Bone health in people living with HIV
- Care initiation among people living with HIV
Awards and Honors
PhD Student of the Year
University of Cincinnati College of Nursing
- Perazzo, J., & Webel, A. (In Press). Alcohol use and Self-Management in People Living with HIV (Accepted for Publication on Monday, February 8, 2016)
- Perazzo, J., Reyes, D., & Webel, A. (In Press). A systematic review of health literacy interventions for people living with HIV. AIDS and Behavior (Accepted for Publication
- on Wednesday, February 4, 2016)
- Perazzo, J. (In Press) The HIV patient: At the beginning. The Nurse Practitioner (Accepted for Publication on Tuesday, August 22 2015).
- Perazzo, J., Martsolf, D., Pritchard, T., & Tehan, R. (2015). Translating the News: A Grounded Theory of Care Initiation by Individuals Living with HIV. The Qualitative Report, 20(9), 1499-1526. Retrieved from http://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol20/iss9/14
- Smith, M. J., Carpenter, R., & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2015, in press). Encyclopedia of nursing education. New York: Springer Publishing.
Doctor of Philosophy
University of Cincinnati
Master of Science in Nursing
Xavier University
Bachelor of Science
Xavier University
Residencies, Internships and Fellowships
Postdoctoral Fellow, T32, Symptom Science
Case Western Reserve University