Your Impact
On April 10, 2024, join with alumni, students, faculty, staff, family and friends as we celebrate Case Western Reserve University’s annual Day of Giving and work together to build a sustainable future for our Spartan community.
Day of Giving empowers the entire CWRU community to go #CWRUMakeItPossible in support of our students’ academic success through programmatic advancement, scholarships, research, emergency student funds and more.
The Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing remains a dominant and progressive voice in our field because of the support and generosity of our alumni and friends. Thank you for prioritizing FPB in your past and future philanthropy.
Go #CWRUMakeItPossible for the programs that encouraged you to think beyond the possible!
How your gifts make a difference
As we did last year, in 2024 our Day of Giving focus remains on efforts that most directly support our students and advanced education activities at the school. On the Day of Giving, continue the legacy of our school by giving back to the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing Annual Fund which provides scholarships/programmatic support to current students. You make it possible for us to offer exceptional programs, scholarship support and educational opportunities to our students.
The Annual Fund enables a quick and efficient response to operational and material needs, including undergraduate and graduate student scholarships, the Alumni Memorial scholarship and FPB Leaders Scholarship.
And remember, when you make a donation, tag @fpbnursing on all social media channels and use #CWRUMakeItPossible!