Professional Memberships
External Appointments
The Effect of Various Concentrations of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen on the Hypersensitive Gag Reflex. De Veaux CK, Montagnese TA, Heima M, Aminoshariae A, Mickel A. Anesth Prog. 2016 Winter;63(4):181-184.
Assessment of patients' awareness and factors influencing patients' demands for sedation in endodontics. Huh YK, Montagnese TA, Harding J, Aminoshariae A, Mickel A. J Endod. 2015 Feb;41(2):182-9. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2014.10.009.
An analysis of moderate sedation protocols used in dental specialty programs: a retrospective observational study. Setty M, Montagnese TA, Baur D, Aminoshariae A, Mickel A. J Endod. 2014 Sep;40(9):1327-31. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2014.05.015.
A clinical report of the management of episodic idiopathic pruritus occurring during endodontic therapy. Montagnese TA, Setty M. J Endod. 2013 Mar;39(3):415-6. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2012.10.010.
Why intravenous moderate sedation should be taught in graduate endodontic programs. Montagnese TA. J Dent Educ. 2012 Mar;76(3):288-90.
A comparative study of the Gow-Gates technique and a standard technique for mandibular anesthesia. Montagnese TA, Reader A, Melfi R. J Endod. 1984 Apr;10(4):158-63.
2nd Mansoura International Dental Congress, Mansoura, Egypt, November 30 – Dec 2, 2016. Speaker and Chairman
- Presentation. “The Cracked Tooth: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis”
- Presentation. “The Use of the Operating Microscope in Endodontic/Dental Practice”
- Chairman. Presentation introductions.
Future University of Egypt 3rdInternational Dental Conference, Cairo Egypt, March 8 – 11, 2016.Speaker.
- Presentation: “Digital Radiograph: Advantages and Uses in Dental Practice”
- Presentation: “The Use of the Surgical Operating Microscope in Endodontic/Dental Practice”
World Congress on Dental Research 2015, Dubai, UAE, November 23-25, 2015.
- Program moderator
- Presentation on “Minimal and Moderate Sedation Techniques in Dental Practice”
Egyptian Dental Syndicate Second Annual Meeting, Cairo, Egypt, Sep 1 – 4, 2015.
- Presentation: “Mild and Moderate Sedation in Dental Practice”
American Association of Endodontists, 2015 Annual Session: “Intravenous Sedation in Endodontic Practice”
American Association of Endodontists Annual Session 2012: “How to implement intravenous moderate sedation in endodontic practice”
American Association of Endodontists Annual Session 2011: “Why intravenous moderate sedation should be taught in graduate endodontic programs”
Additional Information
Academic Appointments
2009-Present |
Assistant Professor |
1997-2009 |
Assistant Clinical Professor |
1981-1983 |
Assistant Clinical Professor |
1976-1977 | Endodontic Department - Head Clinic Coordinator Pahlavi University, School of Dentistry Shiraz, Iran |