Julie A. Loyke talks engaging tummy toys for babies

Baby with toys

Tummy time can be a challenging, yet rewarding activity between parents and their baby. Once you’ve found the right tummy time mat, figuring out how to do tummy time can get a bit easier, and less anxiety-inducing for both parties.

To make it extra fun, why not make it fun and add some tummy time toys? From rattle toys to music boxes, add our picks to your newborn checklist.

What are tummy time toys?

Parents, listen up: now that you’ve got your best tummy time mats in tow, the perfect addition to this apprehensive time is toys! “Parents are encouraged to use age and developmentally-appropriate toys to encourage the practice of tummy time and to make it more enjoyable for both the infant and them,” says Julie A. Loyke, a creational pediatric nurse practitioner.

“Encourage the infant to reach and use muscles that will help them with motor development and strength with toys. They also help the infant develop their neck and shoulder muscles to lift the head against gravity. A toy can provide a visual cue to help the infant develop their vision and other senses, like hearing and touch.”

When seeking the right toys for your little one, Loyke explains: “Parents should choose open-ended toys for their infant, especially ones that will grow with their child and encourage them to be active.” This can include items like stuffed animals, puppets—without detachable button noses and eyes—floor activity quilts, cloth books and rattles.

“Anything that captures the infant’s attention and encourages them to interact is appropriate,” adds Loyke of buying tummy time toys.

Read the full article in Today's Parent.