Shanina Knighton explains how moisture in basements causes toxicity

Moldy Basement

Shanina Knighton, adjunct associate professor at Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, explained how moisture is the most common cause of toxicity in basements as it’s the leading cause of mold and mildew.

photo of Shanina Knighton

Basements are often neglected spaces used for storage, laundry, or DIY projects, but they may harbor hidden toxic items that could be quietly impacting your health.

From mold and mildew to volatile compounds in 'off-gassing', there are several toxic substances that can thrive in basements, right under our noses.

Here, top toxicologists have revealed the seven secretly toxic things at home you need to deal with in your basement now to instantly make your home healthier.


Moisture is the most common cause of toxicity in basements as it's the leading cause of mold and mildew. Shanina Knighton, PhD, research associate professor at Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University explains, ‘Standing water leads to mold, pests, and musty air. Dehumidifiers and regular leak checks help prevent chronic allergies, headaches, and breathing problems.

Read the full article in Homes and Gardens.