Caroline Hems
Caroline Hems donning PPE to practice taking care of a baby with Ebola in the nursing school.
Karyn Rapundalo
Karyn Rapundalo and classmates jumping for joy in front of University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center.
Suleika R. Stray BSN, RN
LT Suleika R. Stray , NC, USNR monitors the vital signs of a patient at Camp Lemonnier's Expeditionary Medical Facility in Djibouti, Djibouti Africa.
Eric Kramer
Eric Kramer, CRNA, MSN with an offroad ambulance in a village in Mexico, picking up a woman who had been in labor.
Lauren Myers
Lauren Myers and classmates in a clinical group from the MN program.
Ian Saludares
"Future DNPs from NY Presbyterian Hospital! We are all smiling. Survived first day of Theories for Nursing Practice & Scholarship."