Health Policy students attended the Cleveland Heights City Council meeting where they met the Cleveland Heights Mayor, nurse and FPB alum, Carol Roe.
From left to right: Nan McLean, Sharon Fass, Alex Cowper, Mackenzie O'Brian, Ron Williams, Mike Benton, Misha Singh, Mayor Carol Roe, Annise Graham-Glicksman, Justin Kilduff, John Michaels, and Hanna Cash.

"A photo of me mourning the loss of my coffee after an exhausting OR clinical."

From left to right: Mikayla Chouljian, Malayna Mason, Gillian Eames, Jen Manning, and Irena Kenneley

"Excited about getting our colorful stethoscopes!"
Kaitlyn Ledford, Emma McNallie, Abby Bukovinszky, Kayla Miller, Eunice Park

"Happy Nurses day from Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi's Patient Education Team! We are all SUPER NURSES!"

"Harley the service dog and honorary FPB nursing student!"