5 Questions with Camille Warner, Diversity Executive Advisory Council liaison

Camille Warner

Case Western Reserve University values excellence by advancing diversity, equity and inclusion through inclusive thinking, mindful learning and transformative dialogue. The university's strategic plan, Think Big, calls on us to uphold those values and build a respectful, diverse and effective university community.

To help realize campus-wide diversity goals, Diversity Liaisons have been appointed in each school/college to serve on a Diversity Executive Advisory Council (DEAC) and work collaboratively with the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Engagement.

At the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Camille Beckette Warner, PhD (GRS ‘97, ‘02, Sociology), is the Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and serves as the School’s Diversity Liaison on the DEAC.

Warner’s journey at CWRU began over 30 years ago as a doctoral student and has continued with a common commitment to health equity and social justice. She became associate dean in 2022 at a school where nearly half of the students identify as a person of color. 

Vrére Bunkley was recently named a department assistant for Warner. She has been with the School of Nursing community for several years and has built a strong rapport with the school. As a double alum (MGT ’17, SAS ’23) of the university, she understands the student experience while serving in a staff role. Bunkley “brings elements of kindness and intentionality to this role, and hopes to provide empowering spaces for others,” Warner said.

A major tenant of the School of Nursing’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office is to raise awareness and celebrate different ethnicities, culture, and other social identities, and facilitate understanding through transformative dialogue. We recognize the strength in our differences and commonalities and embrace the fact that everyone has a unique and valued lived experience.  

“At the School of Nursing, we are privileged to have people from all parts of the world with the common goals of achieving educational, clinical, and research excellence and ultimately improving the health and wellbeing for all people.”

Q: What inspired you to work as a diversity liaison?
A: In short, because it matters! In my personal and professional life, I have always strived to make a positive impact in a world that is not a level field for all people. I believe that advocating for the vulnerable and marginalized members of society is possible while uplifting all people. I take to heart the values and practices of diversity, equity, justice, inclusion, and belonging and I continually challenge myself and others to move beyond dialogue to action.

Q: What is something everyone can do to foster an inclusive environment on campus?
A: Start by paying attention to your immediate environment and surroundings (e.g., classrooms, labs, boardrooms, dorms, cafeterias, and athletic facilities). Take note of who is there (and their roles) in those spaces and who may be missing? Be intentional to include and invite people in public and social settings (e.g., dining, face-to-face gatherings, conversations) to create and foster authentic connections. Additionally, do your part to ensure diverse representation in the decision-making, practices, and policies that contribute to an equitable and just campus.  A sense of belonging and respect for all members of our campus are critical components to our success as a school and university.

Q: What is your focus for the 2024-2025 academic year?
A: We continue to focus on the 4 C’s: curriculum, culture, climate, and community at FPB. We are intentional about incorporating diversity, equity and inclusion throughout our teaching and curricula, clinical practice settings, research, and scholarship. Increase engagement opportunities for our students, staff, and faculty across our Nursing buildings through programming that raises awareness, understanding and acceptance. Continue and expand our presence and collaboration in the community with our clinical and community partners. We currently have an active diversity, equity and inclusion advisory board and we would like to increase community member and student involvement. We have launched a Sustained Dialogue staff pilot group focusing on communication, building community and engagement and we will continue with a faculty group and blended groups. Continued resourcing and expansion of our accommodated testing room. 

Q: What are some of your accomplishments since you took on this role?
A: We are excited to have the first accommodated testing room for nursing students at the Health Education Campus to meet some of the needs of our neurodiverse students. We are the first school to have faculty and staff complete all 4 modules from the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Engagement’s Change Agent series (Bias, Microaggressions, Privilege and Empathy.) We received a 3-year grant to participate in a Learning Collaborative with 13 other schools of Nursing in the US on “Eliminating Structural Racism in Nursing Academia: A Systems Change Approach to Anti-Racist Nursing Education” (funded by Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation.) 

Q: What is the School of Nursing doing to increase diversity in terms of recruitment efforts?
A: The School of Nursing has a long and rich history of diversity. We actively recruit individuals from all parts of the country and world. We have made inclusive efforts to recruit students who are often underrepresented in nursing and from marginalized communities.

Students, faculty and staff can expect to receive communications from the School’s DEI team regularly, and they welcome any thoughts or ideas on bringing activities to the HEC. Contact DEI-FPB@case.edu or visit the DEI website for more information.

The American Academy of College of Nursing (AACN) sets standards for nursing education and incorporates diversity, equity and inclusion throughout our curriculum. AACN’s New Essentials (2021) identified transforming nursing curriculum with competency-based benchmarks.

You can read a short profile on Warner in the Summer 2023 issue of “Forefront” magazine