Nursing Research News: December 2023

A lantern covered in snow

Each month, the Center for Research and Scholarship at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing sends an internal research newsletter to faculty, staff, students and researchers. A recap is posted here.

Distinguished Dissertation Award

Maura McCall, postdoctoral fellow, was honored by the Council of Graduate Studies and ProQuest with the 2023 Distinguished Dissertation Award for “Genotypic and Phenotypic Predictors of Cancer Therapy Adherence and Symptom Trajectories in Women with Breast Cancer.” Kudos to Maura!

Media Mentions Recap

Our faculty have been in the news this year! The following are links to a few of these media mentions:

Be sure to check the News & Events webpage on the nursing website for the latest media mentions throughout the year.

News and Updates

MS Planner Replaces Wrike

As announced in the December FPB Nursing Faculty and Staff monthly meeting, Wrike project management software is being replaced with Microsoft Planner. Starting in January 2024, the Center for Research and Scholarship will retire Wrike and use Microsoft Planner as its web-based tool for project submission preparation. MS Planner is very similar to Wrike and provides the same functionality, and is also available for iPhone and Android users via the App Store and the Google Play store. Training will be provided on a case-by-case basis as grant submissions are being prepared.

Single IRB Requirements

Check to see whether the Single IRB Requirements apply if your next new or competing renewal application includes human subjects research. Take advantage of NIH’s new Single IRB (sIRB) Requirement Determination Workflow PDF to help determine whether your project is subject to the single institutional review board (IRB) requirements. Follow the steps in the Workflow PDF to ascertain whether your research falls under the NIH sIRB policy or the revised Common Rule Cooperative Research sIRB mandate.

Inclusion Across the Lifespan

As you plan your human subjects research, use the Inclusion Across the Lifespan case studies to help you determine whether your proposed study population is appropriate. Following the Inclusion Across the Lifespan policy, NIH-supported research must include individuals of all ages unless there is a scientific or ethical reason not to include a specific age group.

Data Management and Sharing Plan 

The Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) is an association of federal agencies, research policy organizations, and academic research institutions with the mission of streamlining the administration of federally sponsored research and creating resources that are available to the research enterprise. NIH has worked closely with the FDP over the years on various activities, including efforts to implement our Data Management and Sharing (DMS) policy that went into effect in January 2023. Since March, NIH has engaged with FDP to pilot test two DMS plan templates. These templates were developed in close collaboration with staff and leadership from offices across NIH, and we seek your input on them. Visit this link for more information on data management.

Recent School of Nursing Publications

Al Ismaili, Z., Schober, M. Gary, F., Dolansky, M., Al-Maqbali, M., Al Tuby, S., & Al Jenaibi, S. (2023). Advancing the nursing profession through implementing the nurse practitioner role in Oman: Implications for policymaking. International Nursing Review, 1-7. 

Irani, E., Wang, F., Meyer, K., Moore, S. E., & Ding, K. (2023). Social activity restriction and psychological health among caregivers of older adults with and without dementia. Journal of Aging and Health. Advance online publication.

Knighton, S. C., Engle, J., Berkson, J., & Bartles, R. (2023). A narrative review of how infection preventionist (IP) staffing and outcome metrics are assessed by health care organizations and factors to consider. American Journal of Infection Control. Advance online publication.

Zhang, A., Gao, K., & Chen, Z. (2023). Association between race and irritability, inflammation, and depression during chemotherapy. Medical Research Archives, 11(10).