Nursing Research News: October 2024

The atrium and stairs of the HEC, tree on the left with sun coming in from above

Each month, the Center for Research and Scholarship at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing sends an internal research newsletter to faculty, staff, students and researchers. A recap is posted here.

Scholarship Awards

AANA 2024 Fellow

Ashley Showers 2023

Ashley Showers, assistant director of Cleveland Clinic Foundation/Frances Payne Bolton Nurse Anesthesia Program at the School of Nursing, has been inducted as a Fellow of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology. Congratulations, Ashley!

APNA Conference 1st Place Poster

Jaclene Zauszniewski 2023

Jaclene Zauszniewski, professor and PhD interim program director, along with Christopher Burant, Martha Sajatovic, Evanne Juratovac and Alexandra Jeanblanc, were awarded first place for their poster, “Acquiring Resourcefulness Skills: Formal Versus Informal Training,” at the American Psychiatric Nurse Association 38th Annual Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. Kudos to the whole team!

MNO Program Graduate

Tanya Smith, executive assistant to the associate dean for research, received her Master of Nonprofit Organization degree from the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University in August 2024. Excellent, Tanya!

FPB Research News & Events


Attention MNRS members: Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) Research & Implementation Interest Group (RIIG) Award nominations are due Nov. 11, 2024. All MNRS members can receive one complimentary RIIG membership and the opportunity to join two additional RIIGs for $10 each. For more information about RIIGs and how you can join, visit the MNRS website.

Goldbag Research Seminars

The fall 2024 Goldbag Research Seminars are hosted each Monday from noon to 1 p.m. via Zoom. All Zoom links are in bios below.

Nov. 11: "Do Say Gay: Inclusive Nursing Practices and Engaged Scholarship for Families with LGBTQ+ Youth" featuring Dalmacio Dennis Flores, PhD, ACRN, FAAN. Flores is the Class of 1942 Endowed Term Chair Senior Fellow and Associate Professor of Nursing at the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics.

Nov. 25: "Early Childhood Stress: Insights and Strategies for Healthy Development" featuring Randi Bates, PhD, APRN-CNP. Bates is an Assistant Professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing.

Dec. 9: "Caring Guidance: Trajectory of an Internet-based Psychoeducational Intervention for Women with Breast Cancer" featuring Robin Lally, PhD, MS, BA, RN, AOCN, FAAN. Lally is the Bertha L. Pankratz Professor in Nursing; Director of the Center for Chronic Illness, Self-Management and Prevention (CRISP); and Professor at the UNMC College of Nursing.

ORTM News & Training Opportunities

Effort Reporting Deadlines

As a reminder, the Effort Reports for the first half of 2024 (12 months) and spring 2024 (nine months) are due by Nov. 18, 2024. The Office of Research and Technology Management (ORTM) is pleased to offer dedicated Effort Reporting Office Hours to support our department administrators throughout October. Office hours will be held all month on Wednesdays and Fridays from 11 a.m. to noon with Joel Morales, executive director of sponsored projects financial compliance, and Kevin Dwenger, financial research compliance manager, for the Office of Post-Award Services and Financial Compliance.

NIH News & Updates

New Grants and Funding Website

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is pleased to announce that they have launched the new NIH Grants and Funding website. Designed with the needs of the extramural research community in mind, the new site is intended to enhance your journey through the NIH grants process with a modernized interface and powerful features to make finding critical information easier than ever. We encourage you to explore the site at your leisure, and to familiarize yourself with the new content and layout.

Updated Common Disclosure Forms

Strengthen the integrity and security of NIH-funded research. Common disclosure forms for the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support will be required for all applications and progress reports submitted in 2025, among several other changes. These Common Forms will standardize disclosure requirements and processes across federal research agencies, with the goal of reducing the time and effort researchers spend providing disclosure information to federal funders, and ensuring integrity throughout the research process. 

NIH recently released a guide notice with additional information and expectations for applications and progress reports effective May 25, 2025, including the requirement that senior and key personnel use an Open Researcher and Contributor Identification digital identifier (ORCID ID).

FORMS-I Application Form and Training Table Changes

This fall, NIH will post FORMS-I of its grant application forms and training data table format pages to support the changes coming to NIH application and peer review for due dates on or after Jan. 25, 2025. The posting effort will begin in late October and continue through November.

Grant Process Primer

Attention new grant administrators and researchers: Join NIH for an interactive virtual Grants Process Primer. Navigating the grants process can be overwhelming for those new to working with NIH. Orienting the extramural community to that process is a central mission of the NIH Office of Extramural Research (OER), while ensuring the transparency of the peer review process is a key goal of the Center for Scientific Review (CSR). Together, OER and CSR play an integral role in educating and updating the extramural community with the latest information on grants processes, policies, and resources.

Fellowship Changes Takeaways

Changes to the NIH fellowship application and review process are coming for applications due on or after Jan. 25, 2025. In case you missed the live event, a recording of the first NIH webinar on the changes is now available. More than 1,900 viewers tuned in and over 150 questions were answered live by NIH experts.

Recent School of Nursing Publications

Dolansky, M. A., Edmiston, E. A., Vehovec, A., Harris, A., & Singh, M. K. (2024). An interprofessional postgraduate quality improvement curriculum: Results and lessons learned over a 5-year implementation. Medical Education Online, 29(1). 

Gulick, R. M., Pau, A. K., Daar, E., Evans, L., Gandhi, R. T., Tebas, P., Ridzon, R., Masur, H., & Lane, H. C., and the NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel: Aberg J., Adimora, A. A., Baker, J., Kreuziger, L. B., Bedimo, R., Belperio, P., Bhalla, A., Burgess, T., Campbell, D., Cantrill, S., Chew, K., Chiotos, K., Coopersmith, C., Daar, E, Davey, R., Dzierba, A., Eisnor, D., Eschenauer, G., Evans, L., Francis, J., … Yazdany, J. (2024). National Institutes of Health COVID-19 treatment guidelines panel: Perspectives and lessons learned. Annals of Internal Medicine. Advance online publication. 

Horvat Davey, C., Duwadi, D., Phillips, J.C., Dawson-Rose, C., Nokes, K., Perazzo, J., & Webel, A.R. (2024). Impact of Body Mass Index and VO2 Max on Symptoms, Physical Activity, and Physical Function in a Multinational Sample of People with HIV. AIDS and Behavior. Advance online publication.

Horvat Davey, C., Griggs, S., Duwadi, D., Martin, S., & Hickman, R. L. (2024). Mental health, substance use, and a composite of sleep health in adults, 2018 Ohio behavioral risk factor surveillance system. Sleep Medicine. Advance online publication. 

Navale, S. M., Koroukian, S., Cook, N., Templeton, A., McGrath, B. M., Crocker, L., Bensken, W. P., Quiñones, A. R., Schiltz, N. K., Wei, M. Y., & Stange, K. C. (2024). Capturing the care of complex community-based health center patients: A comparison of multimorbidity indices and clinical classification software. Health Services Research. Advance online publication.

Schiltz, N. K., Armstrong, G. Q., Foradori, M. A., Ball, S., Duffy, E. G., McCormack, M. E., Pino, L., Pohnert, A. M., & Dolansky, M. A. (2024). Evaluation of education initiatives to increase delivery of age-friendly care in retail clinics. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 72(10), 3046–3054.

Srour, S. M., Contrera, M., & Siegmund, L. A. (2024). Anesthesia for patients with the centrifugal-flow left ventricular assist devices: A content validity assessment. AANA Journal, 92(4), 295–302.

Warner, D. F., Fein, H. L., Schiltz, N. K., Vu, L., Szaflarski, M., Bensken, W. P., Sajatovic, M., Ghearing, G., & Koroukian, S. (2024). Incident Epilepsy Among US Medicare Beneficiaries, 2019: Differences by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity. Neurology, 103(7).