General Guidelines for Submitting an Abstract
Deadline: November 15, 2018
Nursing Theory 2019 Call for Abstracts Submission Form
Nursing Theory 2019 Call for Abstracts from Doctoral Students Submission Form
1. Conference Themes
The disciplinary perspective of nursing, and The structure of nursing knowledge. All abstracts must address one or both of these themes.
A. The disciplinary perspective of nursing
- Unitary humanenvironmenthealth processes: The dynamic and transformative changes manifested and experienced through living and dying.
- Healing Relationships: Human environment intentions, expressions, behaviors, actions and experiences that enhance well-being.
B. The structure of nursing knowledge
- Types of inquiry
- Philosophical (includes ethical and aesthetic)
- Conceptual
- Theoretical
- Empirical
- Methodological
- Practice-generated
2. Format of conference: All presentations will be oral presentations of no more than 20 minutes in length plus 10 minutes allotted for Q & A.
3. Application: A full application includes a blind abstract and separate biographical/contact information.
4. Abstract (use the separate form provided, 3 parts, no identifying information)
- Title: brief but clearly identifies the nature of the presentation.
- Theme: identify theme(s) your abstract addresses.
- Narrative: 300 words or less, Arial 11 pt. font, submitted as a Word document.
5. Submitter Information (use separate form provided for each submitter):
- Short biographical sketch (100 words).
- Contact information.
6. A “blind” review and selection process will be used. Please do not include any identifying information in the abstract title or narrative.
7. If accepted, you are required to register for the conference in order to present. The conference is March 21 & 22, 2019, in Cleveland, Ohio.
8. We reserve the right to rescind the acceptance of an abstract due to any conflict of interest discovered after the fact.
Deadline for abstract submission: November 15, 2018
If abstract is accepted, in order to present, you must register for the conference by January 1, 2019.
For more information, contact Joyce Fitzpatrick at or Maureen Kendel at or call 216.368.2541.