Community Concerns Reporting

Student sitting at computer

One of Case Western Reserve University’s greatest strengths is the wide range of backgrounds and life experiences of our community. We celebrate our community through the civility, free exchange of ideas, and appreciation for the distinct perspectives and talents of each individual.  As such, the University strives to provide services and resources to students, faculty, and staff to foster an environment where all community members are respected, valued, and free to equally take part in academic, co-curricular, and social activities.  If you would like to report an incident that does not involve a student, please contact the Office of Equity.


Complainants have the right to request confidentiality of a complaint of perceived mistreatment. The responsibility of the CCRS is to weigh requests for confidentiality against the need to investigate and protect the university community. The CCRS will attempt to keep complaints private to the extent possible and consistent with legal requirements and/or the university's requirement to investigate allegations and take appropriate action.

In order to protect the integrity of the inquiry, investigation, and resolution through the use of this process, all parties and witnesses are expected to maintain the confidentiality of the process. However, confidentiality is not required if disclosure is required by law, or if disclosure is necessary to report a crime or violation of law or to engage in concerted activity regarding terms or conditions of employment, or in relation to the right of a student respondent or complainant to re-disclose the outcome of the process under FERPA and/or Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) laws.