
Dogs, cats, birds and other pets or animals are not permitted in any university-controlled building or on campus grounds, except for those animals that are specifically exempted. Specifically, animals are prohibited from being in offices, classrooms, hallways, and all other areas in any academic or administrative building. Failure to comply will result in removal of the animal from campus and may result in disciplinary action against the owner or keeper of the animal.

Exempted Animals

The following animals are permitted on university-controlled property:

  • Service animals are permitted on university-controlled property and in university buildings while they are performing tasks for the individual they accompany. A "service animal" is an animal specially trained to perform one or more specific function or activities of daily living for an individual with a documented disability and include: guide dogs for the hearing/vision impaired and service dogs to perform tasks for the mobility impaired. Any animal being used as a service animal must wear a harness or other identifying device so that others on campus know that it is a service animal. Service animals may enter any building or classroom with the person they accompany. The individual with the animal takes full responsibility for its needs and behaviors. Animal waste must be picked up and disposed of properly. Employees using service animals must notify in advance the Office of Equity of the need to do so. Students must notify the Office of Disability Resources.
  • Animals that are officially part of the university's teaching, research or clinical programs are exempt.

Residential Communities

Only approved small, caged, non-poisonous animals, or fish are permitted in the residence halls. Dogs, cats, and ferrets are strictly prohibited in any residence hall facility. The Division of Student Affairs reserves the right to determine if an animal is appropriate.

Campus Grounds

Domesticated pets are permitted outside on campus grounds when leashed and properly attended at all times. In addition, dogs are permitted on the university's Squire Valleevue Farm grounds, but they must be leashed and attended at all times.

Registration and Documentation

Campus Grounds

The university reserves the right to require the individual with a leashed domesticated pet to present documentation from a veterinarian that the pet is in good health, has appropriate shots, and is in compliance with all applicable state and local health laws, especially in the case of a medical emergency related to the animal such as an animal bite. The individual may be asked to present updated documentation annually.

Residents with Pets

Residents of university housing desiring a pet must complete a Pet Registration form on MyHousing.

Service Animals

The individual must present documentation from a veterinarian that the service animal is in good health and has appropriate shots. This documentation must have been issued or updated in the prior three months. The individual must present updated documentation annually. The university reserves the right to request documentation the animals has been trained to act as a service animal.

Termination of Approval

If, at any time, a pet infringes upon the rights of others, the approval may be rescinded. Approval shall terminate under the following circumstances:

  1. Upon proper written notification from the Division of Student Affairs
  2. At the time the pet is removed from the residence hall
  3. Upon termination of the housing contract


To report a problem with an animal on campus, such as an unattended animal, contact CWRU Public Safety at 216.368.3333. To file a complaint, contact the Office of Equity at 216.368.3066, who will investigate any complaint that a service animal is disruptive or threatening. If it is determined that the animal is disruptive or threatening, the individual will be instructed to remove the animal until the individual produces appropriate documentation indicating that sufficient training has taken place to bring the animal under control.