
The outside of TVUC in the spring with flowers and a blue sky

This is the home of the Thrive and FYI Newsletters.

The Thrive newsletter is sent to second-, third- and fourth-year undergraduate students. We’ll be in touch with you weekly to keep you in-the-know about important deadlines, fun events and other must-have info. 

The First-Year Information or, as we like to call it, FYI, will be your guide to stay on top of important information to help with your transition to our community. We’ll update you each week with information and deadlines you’ll need to know as you embark on your first year at Case Western Reserve. Parents and guardians: you’ll be copied, too, so you’ll know what’s happening on campus throughout your student’s first year.

Keep an eye on your inbox each Thursday evening to catch the latest edition.


  • Review undergraduate summer research funding deadlines

    The Undergraduate Research Office sponsors four funded summer undergraduate research programs that are identified as SOURCE (Support of Undergraduate Research and…
  • Attend bicentennial celebrations tomorrow

    Join us as we kick off the university’s bicentennial celebration tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 7! The celebration will start in the Tinkham Veale University Center…
  • Sign up for CPR Training

    February is American Heart Month, making it the perfect time to prioritize life-saving skills. Each February, the Division of Public Safety offers a series of free…



  • Save the date for the spring career fair

    The Career Center is pleased to announce the date for their spring career fair event. Whether you are looking for an internship, a full-time position, or just want…
  • CWRU launches central calendar in CampusGroups

    Beginning this semester, CampusGroups ( is officially Case Western Reserve University’s centralized calendar platform, allowing members of the…
  • Student Leadership Awards nominations are now open

    Recognize and celebrate the outstanding contributions of CWRU student leaders, organizations, and programs within the CWRU community by nominating them for a Dr.…

First Year Information

  • All about major declaration

    First year students who started at CWRU in the fall 2024 semester must declare their major by March 31, so it’s a good idea to get started on this process now. Note…
  • Learn about research opportunities and deadlines

    The Undergraduate Research Office (URO) is available to assist all students interested in research, scholarship and creative projects. This includes help with…
  • Work with a peer academic coach

    Peer Academic Coaching is now available in the Academic Support Resources office. Peer coaches can assist you with time management and study strategies to help you…