Posting Policy

Effective Date: February 4, 2021
Responsible Official: Vice President for Student Affairs
Responsible University Office: Student Affairs, Student Activities and Leadership
Related Legislation and University Policies: University Student Code of Conduct; Alcohol Policy and Guidelines
Review Period: 5 years
Date of Last Review: August 2024
Relates to: faculty, staff, student, contractors, and general public
Exclusions: None

Policy Statement 

This policy and related procedures apply to the posting of information and advertising materials in the building and on the grounds of Case Western Reserve University.  It applies to all students, employees, contractors, and the general public to ensure equal access to common posting areas in order to promote events and activities, to avoid violations of fire and safety codes, to ensure compliance with applicable laws, and to preserve the aesthetic quality of Case Western Reserve University locations, owned and leased.  Posting on University property is a privilege, and therefore, the University reserves the right to regulate the posting and distribution of all publicity.

General Posting Policy Requirements 

Student and campus organizations may post information and notices concerning their organizations and its activities in areas provided by the university. Only one flier per designated surface is permitted, fliers may not exceed 11" x 17" and fliers may not obstruct other posted materials. Posting of any derogatory, obscene, or material that violates the University’s Freedom of Expression Policy either explicitly or implicitly, is strictly prohibited. Posting areas will be checked regularly to remove dated notices, and violations. Non-university postings may only be posted in the assigned designation indicated below.  All postings should include contact information of the organization (individual’s email or organization’s listserv address) to allow contact for further information or questions.  To ensure that all organizations have the appropriate space to post, all flyers posted in any approved location must be removed by the student or campus organization following the event.  For non-event postings, they should be removed after two weeks.

This is subject to the Freedom of Expression / Expressive Activities Policy and its procedures and operating rules.

Permitted Posting Areas

  • Kiosks and bulletin boards
  • Residential facilities - directed by Housing, Residence Life & Greek Life. Fliers must be submitted to Wade Area Office or Fribley Area Office for approval
  • Public bulletin boards located in Wade and Fribley Area Commons, 
  • Public bulletin boards in the Student Activities Office in the Tinkham Veale University Center and in the Thwing Center.  Approval for posting must be obtained by appropriate staff within each facility.

Prohibited Posting Areas

  • All academic and administrative buildings and restricted surfaces in residential facilities (including windows, doors, columns, classroom chalkboards/Write-On Board, etc.)
  • All artwork and sculptures, trees, telephone/light poles, furniture and seating, sidewalk, streets, signs, walls, windows, doors, stairwells, elevators, garbage cans, and light posts.


No libelous material shall be posted. Material, including chalking, must abide by all University policies.  No flyers are allowed to advertise drink specials, events where the primary purpose is drinking, or other activities that appear to promote irresponsible or illegal alcohol or drug use.

Social Media Postings

  • Student and campus organizations are permitted to post events through social media, however, if the post violates the Posting Policy, or the University’s Policy on Freedom of Expression the organization will be asked to remove it.


  • Permitted: Chalking on university pedestrian walkways only.  All chalking must be removable by rain or water.
  • Prohibited: Chalking on vertical surfaces, buildings, artwork, covered walkways, or non-university pedestrian walkways. Use of acrylics, ink, spray-chalk, and paint is strictly prohibited.  Members of the campus community who have concerns about particular chalking on one or more campus surfaces should contact Student Activities and Leadership for guidance.

Spirit Wall

  • Students may paint the spirit wall between 6 p.m. – 6 a.m. On weekends students may paint anytime until 12 midnight on Sunday.
  • To ensure the safety of students utilizing the wall, it is recommended that multiple members of a student organization assist.
  • Space is available on a first-come, first-served basis. All events posted must have a date, name of group sponsoring the event, and time of event indicated on the board.
  • Paintings supporting national events or portraying a group's particular opinion expressed on the wall must include the date the painting was completed on the lower left- or right-hand corner.
  • Paintings should include contact information of the organization (individual’s email or organization’s listserv address)
  • If posting for an event, students may paint an announcement one week prior only.
  • To continue to support an inclusive and welcoming community, offensive materials which serve no informational purpose will be removed.
  • All complaints and inquiries may be reported to the Office of Student Activities & Leadership, 148 TVUC or at

Electronic Fliers

Fliers for the InfoBoard Displays on campus should be submitted for the approval of the website administrator.

Residential Posting Policy

  • The NRV (Wade Commons) and/or SRV (Fribley Commons) area office staff will date stamp fliers and/or posters during business hours.
  • If an organization or department would like to post within the residential buildings, a total of 25 fliers/posters (for the NRV) and 22 (for SRV) should be provided. This will provide one posting per each residence hall, apartment lobby and Greek House, one posting for Wade Commons or Fribley Commons and one posting for The Spot or the Rough Rider Room.
  • Residential staff will be responsible for posting within the residential building common areas. The staff members will be responsible for checking their staff mailboxes and posting all materials in a timely manner (usually within two working days).
  • Student or campus organizations will be responsible for posting their fliers/posters in common areas (i.e. Wade Commons, Fribley Commons - there is no posting in these facilities any longer) after they have been date stamped in the respective area office.


Violations of this policy may be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.  Employee violations will be handled through the appropriate administrative processes.  Violations by a commercial or off-campus organization will be addressed by the Dean of Students Office.  Groups or individuals responsible for violations will be assessed the actual cost of cleanup and any necessary repairs. The minimum charge will be $50 with additional action and fees possible in more serious cases.