Tabling Policy

Approved by: Office of the President
Date Approved by President: October 14, 2024
Effective Date: October 14, 2024
Responsible Official: Vice President for Student Affairs
Revisions History: None
Responsible University Offices: Student Affairs, Student Activities and Leadership, Campus Planning and Facilities Management
Related Legislation and University Policies: Policy on Freedom of Expression/Expressive Activities, University Student Code of Conduct, Employee Code of Conduct, Faculty Handbook
Review Period: 5 years
Date of Last Review: October 2024

I. Tabling at the University

  1. Tabling by recognized student groups in good standing and University departments to promote events or raise awareness about important causes is permitted at Case Western Reserve University ("CWRU" or "University"). This policy is applicable at the following locations:
    1. The Atrium in Thwing Center,
    2. The Smith Commons in the Tinkham Veale University Center,
    3. Nord Hall Atrium,
    4. KSL Oval (outdoors),
    5. Case Quad (outdoors),
    6. Binary Walkway (outdoors),
    7. Mather Quad (outdoors), and
    8. All other CWRU campus locations for which recognized student groups and university departments may reserve a table via the Spartan Reservation System or through the responsible University department.
  2. Each location differs in some respects from the others and may have different availability, number of tables, set-up configuration options, number of CWRU community members in the area at the time of the tabling event, hours of operation, etc.
  3. All tables must be reserved using the Spartan Reservation System or through the responsible University department prior to the date of the tabling event. Only recognized student groups in good standing and University departments may reserve a table. Additionally, only current CWRU community members in good standing with the University may staff the table during the reserved time.

II. Terms of Use for Tabling

  1. Recognized student groups in good standing and University departments that reserve a table understand that:
    1. They may not create a safety risk or disrupt the ordinary activities of CWRU during the tabling event,
    2. They may not move equipment to accommodate their tabling event without prior approval,
    3. The use of volume amplification devices (i.e. speakers, microphones, laptops, etc.) during indoor tabling events must be approved prior to the tabling event and the volume must be kept at a low level during the tabling event so as not to disrupt the ordinary activities of CWRU. Any amplification devices used as part of an outdoor tabling event must be kept at a reasonable volume level that does not disrupt ordinary activities of CWRU or CWRU community members in the immediate area,
    4. They may not store any materials at the location prior to, or following, the tabling event,
    5. A member of the student group or University department in good standing with the University must staff the table during the entirety of the reserved time,
    6. Recognized student groups in good standing and University departments representatives should refrain from leaving the table to approach CWRU community members during the tabling event, rather, they should allow CWRU community members interested in learning about the event(s) or cause(s) to approach the table,
    7. Recognized student groups in good standing and University departments may only distribute food items if each of the following applies:
      1. Distribution of food is permitted in the tabling location,
      2. If permitted, distributed foods must be "shelf stable" (no heating required) and all cold foods such as ice cream or popsicles must be stored in a cooler provided by the student group or University department,
      3. Items must be individually pre-bagged at point of origin,
      4. Gloves should be worn when coming in direct contact and/or distributing food,
      5. A visible list of ingredients and/or label on individual items is suggested for all food distribution, but is required if items are being sold,
      6. If the item(s) being sold are homemade, it must be stated on each individual package.
    8. They must clean up their table(s) and surrounding area at the conclusion of the tabling event so that it is in the same condition as it was when they arrived.
    9. A recognized student group in good standing or University department may book a table up to five (5) days per month, per location. A recognized student group in good standing or University department may request an exception to this rule, which will be considered based on availability.

III. Compliance

Recognized student groups in good standing and University departments must conduct all tabling events in accordance with CWRU policies and procedures including, but not limited to, the University's Freedom of Expression Policy, Student Code of Conduct, Employee Code of Conduct, Faculty Handbook, Solicitation Policy, and Policy on Political Activity. Violations of CWRU policies and procedures may result in future discipline.

IV. Violations

Recognized student groups in good standing, university departments, and/or individuals associated with those groups that violate this or any CWRU policy or procedure during a tabling event will be asked to leave the location immediately and may be subject to discipline. Additionally, recognized student groups in good standing, University departments and individuals associated with those groups who violate this or other CWRU policies and procedures may be prohibited from reserving tables in the future.

V. External and Affiliate Groups

External and affiliate groups (i.e. non-CWRU groups that partner with university departments) should refer to CWRU's Vendor Program policies and procedures to reserve tabling space.