Student Advocacy and Spirit Wall Policy

Approved by: Office of the President
Date Approved by President: October 14, 2024
Effective Date: October 14, 2024
Responsible Official: Vice President for Student Affairs
Revisions History: None
Responsible University Offices: Student Affairs, Student Activities and Leadership
Related Legislation and University Policies: Policy on Freedom of Expression/Expressive Activities: University Student Code of Conduct
Review Period: 5 years
Date of Last Review: October 2024
Relates to: Students

I. Summary of this Policy

This policy is derived from the Student Presidents’ Roundtable (SPR) Memorandum and has been adopted by the Vice President for Student Affairs to serve as the official policy for use of the Advocacy Wall and Spirit Wall.

II. Use of the Advocacy and Spirit Walls

  1. Who can use the Advocacy Wall? The primary purpose of the Advocacy Wall is to provide a space for students and groups in good standing with CWRU to express and advocate for issues that are important to them.  Any registered undergraduate or graduate student or student group, both recognized by CWRU and informal, that is in good standing may paint the Advocacy Wall. 
  2. Who can use the Spirit Wall? The primary purpose of the Spirit Wall is to draw attention to campus events and activities planned and sponsored by student groups in good standing with CWRU. Any student group, both recognized by CWRU or informal, that is in good standing may paint the Spirit Wall.
  3. How Can Students Use the Advocacy Wall and Spirit Wall?
    1. Registered students or student groups in good standing who paint a panel of the Advocacy Wall or Spirit Wall must submit a form upon completion of the painting. The registered student or student group in good standing must include their contact information, date of painting, date of painting expiration, and a photo of their painting on the form. The University utilizes this form for record keeping and outreach purposes.
      1. Advocacy Wall Form
      2. Spirit Wall Form
    2. The walls may be painted between the hours of 8 am to 10 pm daily.  A registered student and/or student group in good standing may paint only one panel at a time. Any student painting the Advocacy Wall or Spirit Wall must be assisted by at least one other student to ensure safety. 
    3. In the lower left-hand corner of a panel: (1) All registered students or student groups in good standing MUST either include their organization name or if not part of a student group, include initials (example: AB) or Case ID (ex: abc123). (2) The date of expiration of the painting must be labeled as “Expires on MM/DD/YYYY”. 
    4. Paintings shall remain on the wall for the period of two weeks from the date of first painting before others may paint the panel. The expiration date for each painting is two weeks from when it was first painted. If the panel is promoting an event and that event has concluded, registered students or student groups in good standing may paint over the panel even if the two week period has not passed.

III. What is permitted on the Advocacy Wall or Spirit Wall?

  1. In concordance with CWRU’s belief in freedom of expression, material related to advocacy or social expression may be posted on the walls, so long as said material does not violate a University policy.
  2. For paintings regarding political elections, candidates, and political parties, the following university guidelines MUST be followed: “Student organizations may advocate publicly for a particular candidate, provided that the student organization clearly [labels on the painting that it] identifies itself as a student organization that does not represent the official views of Case Western Reserve University.” Further information can be found in The Political Campaign Activity Quick Reference Guide and the University Policy on Political Activity.
  3. For registered students or student groups in good standing painting over a previous painting, they must repaint over the previous painting in its entirety. Any verbiage, crossing out, symbols, or other forms of writing on top of a previous painting without fully repainting over it may violate University policy.
  4. Paint, markers, and similar writing materials are the ONLY allowed media to be used on the Advocacy Wall and Spirit Wall. Taping, pinning, or gluing items to the walls may cause damage and is not permitted.
  5. No registered student, group of students, or student group may block or inhibit the ability of others who have complied with this procedure, or representatives of the University, to paint the Advocacy or Spirit Walls.  

IV. Monitoring

  1. The Spirit Wall and Advocacy Wall will be inspected frequently to ensure paintings are in compliance with University policy.
  2. All concerns/complaints should be sent to or delivered in person to the Student Activities and Leadership Office in Tinkhman Veale University Center 148.

V. Compliance

  1. Missing information - If a painting is missing required information, a representative from CWRU Student Affairs or SPR will send the student or group an email informing them that their painting is in violation of the procedure and missing some of the above information, and that they should correct the painting as soon as possible.
    1. If the group does not revise the painting, they will receive an email notification that the painting is no longer approved and may be painted over by CWRU facilities or another organization/individual. The group may be held financially responsible for the charge to repaint the wall.
    2. If a group cannot be identified due to missing information, CWRU may take appropriate action to address the situation, including but not limited to, adding an expiration date, painting over the panel by CWRU facilities, or permitting other registered students or recognized organizations to paint the wall. 
  2. Obscene, intimidating, or threatening paintings - If the Freedom of Expression Policy Committee or The Dean of Students Office determines the painting is obscene, threatening, intimidating, or violates the Freedom of Expression Policy or the Student Code of Conduct, the painting will be painted over by CWRU facilities as soon as possible.  The Freedom of Expression Committee or Dean of Students Office may refer paintings that violate University policy to the Student Conduct and Community Standards Office. 
  3. Painting takes up more than 1 panel - If a painting takes up more than one panel of the wall, a representative from CWRU Student Affairs or SPR will send an email notification to the group/individual who completed the painting informing them that their painting is in violation of the procedures and offering them a chance to correct it.  If CWRU Student Affairs or SPR does not receive a response within 48 hours then the painting is no longer approved and may be painted over by CWRU facilities or another registered student or student group in good standing. 
  4. Materials other than paint/markers are used on the Advocacy Wall or Spirit Wall - If materials other than paint or markers are used on either wall, they will be removed as soon as possible. If it is not possible to remove the item(s), facilities will be contacted to remove the items and paint over that portion of the wall.  Students or groups responsible for using materials other than paint/markers on the Advocacy Wall or Spirit Wall may be financially responsible for any damage these materials cause to the wall(s).

VI. Violations

Students and student groups who disregard or violate this policy may be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.