
This is the home of the Thrive and FYI Newsletters.

The Thrive newsletter is sent to second-, third- and fourth-year undergraduate students. We’ll be in touch with you weekly to keep you in-the-know about important deadlines, fun events and other must-have info. 

The First-Year Information or, as we like to call it, FYI, will be your guide to stay on top of important information to help with your transition to our community. We’ll update you each week with information and deadlines you’ll need to know as you embark on your first year at Case Western Reserve. Parents and guardians: you’ll be copied, too, so you’ll know what’s happening on campus throughout your student’s first year.

Keep an eye on your inbox each Thursday evening to catch the latest edition.



  • Next week at KSL: therapy dogs and more

    Therapy dogs return to Kelvin Smith Library Visit with therapy dogs on Oct. 14, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on the library’s first floor. Therapy dogs are specially…
  • Upcoming events from the Kelvin Smith Library

    Hispanic Heritage Month read aloud at KSL: Escritos Join Kelvin Smith Library on Tuesday, Oct. 8, from 10:30 a.m. to noon for refreshments and a special read aloud…
  • Share your summer research experience

    The Undergraduate Research Office is looking for undergraduates who participated in summer research at The National Institutes of Health, National Science…


First Year Information

  • Choices Fair is tomorrow!

    The annual Choices Fair is an opportunity for students to learn about the nearly 100 majors and minors at Case Western Reserve University while completing an…
  • Save the date for course registration

    You may have noticed that a registration advising hold was recently added to your account in the Student Information System (SIS). This is related to course…
  • Register now: Explore majors and minors at the Choices Fair

    The annual Choices Fair is an opportunity for students to learn about the nearly 100 majors and minors at Case Western Reserve University while completing an…