Graduate Advisor Newsletter - October 2023

CWRU Main Quad looking toward Adelbert Hall, autumn 2020

Welcome to this month's edition of the School of Graduate Studies newsletter to faculty advisors! Below you will find information on upcoming deadlines, academic policies, news, and more. Past newsletters will be archived on our website for you to review any time you wish.

Important Upcoming Dates

Please make sure you and your students are aware of important dates and deadlines. Some may require your review, approval, and signature.

  • Nov 10 - Deadline for Class Withdrawal
  • Nov 10 - Deadline to Audit
  • Nov 10 - Final date to resolve Spring and Summer 2023 Incompletes
  • Nov 17 - Deadline to Submit Videos for 3MT Competition
  • Nov 23-24 - Thanksgiving Break
  • Dec 8 - Deadline to Submit All Final Materials for Fall 2023 Graduation

Academic Policy Briefs


Grades of Incomplete (I) can only be assigned for letter-graded and P/NP courses for extenuating circumstances and only when a student who is passing the course fails to complete a small, evaluative segment of the course. All work for the incomplete grade must be made up and the change of grade recorded in the SIS by the date specified by the instructor, but no later than the 11th week of class (Friday, November 10).

See the complete policy on Incomplete grades in the General Bulletin here.

Advising Hold

Before your students can register for spring 2024 classes next month, you will have to remove an advising hold on their accounts in SIS. Advising holds are automatically placed onto a student's account each semester before registration opens for the following term. If students have additional holds on their accounts in SIS they will not be able to register until all holds are resolved. Information on how to remove holds can be found on the SIS resources page.

Dissertation Defense

Doctoral candidates must submit the Notification for Scheduling the Final Oral Exam to Graduate Studies at least three weeks prior to the scheduled defense date. If the student intends to graduate in January, they should pay careful attention to submission deadlines and plan accordingly. Dissertation defenses (like classes) are to be held in-person (if special circumstances exist, students can petition Grad Studies for exceptions). See our Graduation page for more details.

Useful Information

Course Audit or Withdrawal

The last day for students to audit a course or withdraw from a single course (as long as it is not their only class) is Friday, November 10. Full tuition (no refund) is charged for audited or withdrawn courses. Students should speak to their advisor as well as the instructor of the course before auditing or withdrawing.

To audit a course, students must email a completed Add/Drop Form to To withdraw, most classes can be done in SIS following these instructions on class registration (starting at #20).

Three Minute Thesis Competition

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT™) returns to CWRU for its third year! 3MT celebrates the exciting research conducted by graduate students around the world. Developed by The University of Queensland, the competition cultivates students' academic, presentation, and research communication skills. Presenting in a 3MT competition increases their capacity to effectively explain their research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience. The deadline to submit videos for the competition's first round is Friday, November 17. Interested students are encouraged to join us for an informal question and answer session on November 3 between 2:30 to 3:30pm in Tomlinson 239 to learn about the competition and other upcoming events as well as view the 2022-23 information session slides.

Meet the Incoming Summer & Fall 2023 Grad Students

  • Academic Plans: 446 (63.5%) Masters students; and 256 (36.5%) Doctoral students

  • Gender: 378 (53.8%) Female; 319 (45.4%) Male; and 5 (.8%) Other

  • Minority Ethnic Groups: 263 Asian; 83 Black or African American; 42 Hispanic or Latinx; 15 multi-ethnic; 1 Native American; and 31 other

  • International Students: 34.6% of incoming grad students are international, representing 32 countries!

University Resources

Please be aware of University Resources you can share with your students as needed. We will highlight a few each month.