Joachim G. Voss, PhD, RN, ACRN, FAAN

The Independence Foundation Professor of Nursing Education
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Program Director
Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Program
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing

Teaching Information

Teaching Interests

His educational interests focuses on the implementation of evidence-based practice and the understanding of big data. He has taught in the undergraduate and graduate program related to medical-surgical topics, research methods and philosophy. He has been a mentor to more than 30 interprofessional graduate and undergraduate students in nursing, public health, global health and bioengineering. Many of which have published in peer-reviewed journal and presented at national and international conferences.

He is interested in leadership training of healthcare professionals to meet the challenges of the 21st century including writing, communication and leadership. His teaching philosophy is that all students should at the end of their education become a mentor and hold a position in which they impact patient care, research, education and service, and become an active member of the profession.

Research Information

Research Interests

Dr. Voss is a Professor at Case Western Reserve University at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing. He came to the US as a Fulbright Scholar and received his PhD from UCSF in 2003, followed by a three-year postdoctoral fellowship at the NIH. He spent 9 years at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle, where he conducted interprofessional bench-to-bedside research and treatment approaches for fatigue and mitochondrial dysfunction in patients with HIV and cancer.

His work utilizes both basic and applied methodologies to foster the understanding of underlying mechanisms in fatigue and sleep management of HIV and other chronically ill patients. He has a passion for genomics and biological phenomena related to inflammation and symptom experiences. His research has contributed to the development of new instruments, evidence-based guidelines for older adults living with HIV, and impacted the treatment and diagnosis of HIV-related fatigue.

Awards and Honors

Distinguished Service Award/2022 Program Planning Committee Chair
Midwest Nursing Research Society
Symptom Science RIG Researcher of the Year
Midwest Nursing Research Society
Frank Lamendola Achievement Award for Nursing Leadership
American Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
STTI International Researcher Hall of Fame
Researcher of the Year
Association of Nursing Leadership
Physiology, Behavior, Genomics, and Society RIG Distinguished Scholar Award
Midwestern Nursing Research Society
President's Award
American Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
ANA Luther Chrisman Award
Social Environmental Design (SEED) Award for Excellence in Public Interest Design
Design Corps Public Interest Design Award Global Winner
Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Excellence in Service Learning Award
Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing
Faculty Fellow for the Adaptive Solutions for Human Health and the Environment Initiative
UW Undergraduate Research Mentor Award



Doctor of Philosophy
University of California
Master of Science in Nursing
Nursing Education
University of Bremen Germany
Associate Degree Registered Nurse
Kreiskrankenhaus Moeckmuehl