DNP Application Instructions

Admissions Contacts

Office Contact

Director of Recruitment & Enrollment
Kristi Lehmer


Recruitment and Enrollment Specialist
Molly Mawby


Recruitment and Enrollment Specialist
Kennedy Clyde


Admissions Coordinator, Graduate Programs
Yakelin (Jackie) Tepale


Director of Financial Aid
Dedra Hanna Adams


To Make Applying Easier

Before submitting your application to the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, please note the submission deadlines and other content required, listed below. Please mail all required materials to the following address:

FPB Admissions Coordinator
9501 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44106-7343

Content Required for Post-Licensure DNP Applications

  • Applications for the Post-Licensure DNP are due March 15th for Summer and Fall enrollment, and October 1st for Spring enrollment.
  • Recommenders (names and email addresses). We recommend RNs in supervisory positions at your current place of employment, professional colleagues who have earned advanced nursing degrees, and nursing instructors. The preference is for nurses who know your clinical work.
  • Essay. Please write a separate essay for the MSN and for the DNP but upload them at the same time as one document.
    • MSN Essay: Please develop two paragraphs, each about 250 words (half page, single space, 12-point font) that inform the admission committee about your goals and yourself by using the following prompts:
      • Reflecting on your career progress and goals, what is your reason for applying to this particular program at this time?
      • Tell the admissions committee something about yourself that is not apparent from your application. Consider describing an event or experience that you think would positively influence our decision.
    • DNP EssayRespond in essay for to the 2 questions listed below. Each question should be answered in one, typewritten or word-processed page or less.
      • Discuss your educational and professional goals, both short and long term, and how the DNP program will help you reach these goals.
      • Discuss the topic that you would like to pursue for your DNP scholarly project and describe one clinical problem in that focus area that your project will help address. Additionally, discuss how your scholarly project focus matches with the interests and expertise of the doctorally-prepared faculty and resources at FPB School of Nursing.
  • Resume or CV/. Include employment history, military service, academic and professional fellowships, memberships, and publications.
  • Transcripts: Please submit official transcripts for your Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or equivalent degree from an accredited institution, along with official transcripts from all previously attended universities.

Content Required for Post-Master's DNP Applications

  • 3 Recommenders (names and email addresses). We prefer that you seek academic references—persons in a position to speak to your ability to complete doctoral work. One recommendation should be from a doctorally-prepared faculty member. Personal references will not be accepted. Complete the waiver section at the top of each online recommendation form.
  • Statement of DNP Project Interest. Respond in essay form to the 2 questions listed below. Each question should be answered in one, typewritten or word-processed page or less.
    • Discuss your educational and professional goals, both short and long term, and how the DNP program will help you reach these goals.
    • Discuss the topic that you would like to pursue for your DNP scholarly project and describe one clinical problem in that focus area that your project will help address. Additionally, discuss how your scholarly project focus matches with the interests and expertise of the doctorally-prepared faculty and resources at FPB School of Nursing.
  • Resume or CV. Include employment history, military service, academic and professional fellowships, memberships, and publications.
  • Other Credentials. For Practice Leadership Elective: evidence of Advanced Practice Certification or eligibility to obtain Advanced Practice Certification
  • Rolling admissions. For questions about program, application process, and relevant deadlines, contact
  • The Executive Leadership Track requires an additional interview.

Content Required for DNP Nurse Anesthesia Applications

  • Applications for the Nurse Anesthesia DNP are due June 1st for entry the following year.
  • 3 Recommenders (names and email addresses). We recommend RNs in supervisory positions at your current place of employment, professional colleagues who have earned advanced nursing degrees, and nursing instructors. The preference is for nurses who know your clinical work.
  • Essay: Respond in essay form to the questions below. Each question should be answered in one typed page or less.
    • What shift do you work and how many days per week do you work? Why did you choose that shift?
    • Considering your current practice environment: In what area of your practice do you feel your knowledge base is strongest? In what area of your practice do you feel your knowledge base is weakest and what have you done to strengthen your knowledge in this area?
    • Describe a time that you made an error in judgement.
    • Discuss the topic that you would like to pursue for your DNP project and describe one system-level, clinical or administrative problem in the area that your project will help address
  • Resume or CV. Include employment history, military service, academic and professional fellowships, memberships, and publications.

Content Required for LEAP Nurse Anesthesia Certificate Pathway Program

  • Applications for the LEAP Certificate are due May 1 for entry in Summer 2021. When you create an account and select the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing application. From the menu on the left hand side, when you get to the Program Details page, once you select you are not applying for a dual degree, you will see the Program prompt. Select the Leadership Excel and Achievement Program Certificate.

  • 3 Recommenders (names and email addresses). We recommend RNs in supervisory positions at your current place of employment, professional colleagues who have earned advanced nursing degrees, and nursing instructors. The preference is for nurses who know your clinical work.

  • Essay: Respond in essay form to the question listed below:

    • Why do you need this type of program at this juncture in your life, and describe the barriers that prevented you from achieving your goals?

  • Resume or CV. Include employment history, military service, academic and professional fellowships, memberships, and publications.

For all submissions, you will need a credit card for your $75 application fee, if applicable.

Ready, Set...

Go Apply Now!