FPB Faculty Committees

Standing Committees

Bylaws: Article VII, Section 6


  • 6 voting faculty & 1 special faculty (voting)
  • 2 years (4 odd years, 3 even years)
  • Appointed by Executive Committee
  • 7 members 
  • Self-selected among Faculty Senators

Current Faculty and End Terms

  • Rebecca Patton (2021)
  • Mary Quin Griffin (2021)
  • Latina Brooks (2022)*
  • Evelyn Duffy (2022, Chair)
  • Mary Franklin (2022)
  • Cindy Danko (2021)**
  • Chris Winkelman (2021)**

1 special faculty(voting) 2 years (replace in even years)

  • Linda Everett (2022)

Ex officio (voting)

  • Dean, Carol Musil
  • Interim Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Diana Morris
  • Associate Dean for Research, Ron Hickman
  • Secretary of the Faculty, Angela Arumpanayil
  • School Representative to Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Allison Webel


  • Vrére Bunkley

Bylaws: Article VII, Section 7


  • 6 voting faculty: 3 elected & 3 appointed 
  • 3 years (elected) [1 elected each year]

Current Faculty and End Terms

  • Sonya Moore (2021) (Chair)
  • Allison Webel (2022)
  • Mary Dolansky (2023)

Appointed by Executive Committee(voting)

  • Scott Moore (2021)
  • Jesse Honsky (2022)
  • Todd Smith (2023)

Ex officio (voting)

  • Dean, Carol Musil


  • Kasey Massengale

Bylaws: Article VII, Section 8


  • 1-4 students from any of the following programs: BSN, MSN, GENP, DNP 
  • Associate Dean Academic Affairs & Program Chairs solicit students
  • 4 voting faculty
  • 2 years (2 even years, 2 odd years)

Current Faculty and End Terms

  • Jane Marek (2021) (Chair)
  • Elizabeth Zimmerman (2021)
  • Jesse Honsky (2022)
  • Shannon Wong (2022)

1 special faculty (voting)

  • Janna Kinney (2021)


  • TBD

Ex officio (voting)

  • Interim Associate Dean Academic Affairs, Diana Morris
  • Program Director: BSN, Amy Bieda
  • Program Director: MN, Molly Jackson
  • Program Director: MSN, Latina Brooks 
  • Program Director: DNP, Latina Brooks


  • Registrar for School of Nursing, Christine Borkan


  • Pam Collins

Bylaws: Article VII, Section 9


  • Can have 3 voting faculty (appointed)
  • Appointed by Director MN
  • 2 years (3 even years, 2 odd years)

Current Faculty and End Terms

  • Molly Jackson (Chair)
  • Mary deHaan (2021)*
  • Rita Sfiligoj (2021)
  • Hannoud Al Moghrabi (2022)
  • Carli Carnish (2022)*
  • Janine Galeski (2022)*
  • Stacy Brubaker  (2021)
  • Donna Thompson (2021)
  • Anne Kolenic (2021)
  • Hollie Gentry (2021)
  • Amy Lower  (2021)


  • MN Program Assistant, Debra Basar

Bylaws: Article VII, Section 10


  • 3 elected & 2 appointed
  • 2 years (2 even years, 1 odd years)


  • Director of DNP serves as Chair 
  • 5 voting faculty
  • Director of Post-Master’s DNP

Current Faculty and End Terms

  • Latina Brooks (Chair)
  • Rebecca Patton (2021)
  • Mary Quinn Griffin (2022)*
  • Mary Franklin (2022)*

Appointed 1 year (appointed)

  • Vacant


  • DNP Program Assistant, Vrére Bunkley

Bylaws: Article VII, Section 11


  • 2 years (2 even years, 2 odd years)


  • 4 voting faculty (elected) Director of MSN serves as Chair
  • Director of BSN Program serves as Chair

Current Faculty and End Terms

  • Latina Brooks (Chair)
  • Carol Kelley (2021)
  • Valerie Toly (2021)
  • TBD (2022)*
  • Marie Grosh (2022)


  • MSN Program Assistant, Colleen Fitzpatrick

Bylaws: Article VII, Section 18


  • 2 years (3 even years, 3 odd years)* Elections run by PhD Council not the General Faculty.

Current Faculty and End Terms

  • Christopher Burant (2022)
  • Andrew Reimer (2022)
  • Nicholas Schiltz (2022)
  • Chao-Pin Hsiao (2021)*
  • Amy Zhang (2021)*
  • Susan Ludington (2021)


  • Director of PhD Program, Joachim Voss


  • PhD Program Assistant, Atreya McCall

Bylaws: Article VII, Section 12


  • 2 years (appointed)[1 appointed each year]


  • 4 voting faculty: 2 elected & 2 appointed
  • Director of BSN Program serves as Chair

Current Faculty and End Terms

  • Amy Bieda (Chair)
  • Julie Hopkins (2021)
  • Cathy Mohney (2022)

Appointed by Director BSN Program

  • Anne Kolenic (2022)
  • Beverly Capper (2021)


  • BSN Program Assistant, Kecia Duetsch

Bylaws: Article VII, Section 13


  • 2 years (2 odd years, 1 even years) Need 2 faculty & 2 student members to hear an appeal. 
  • If there are not 2 faculty, Executive Committee designates replacement. 
  • If there are not 2 students, Executive Committees of Student Associations designate replacements.


  • Equal number of students & faculty 3 voting faculty (1 appointed as Chair) (Appointed by Dean at time of appeal)
  • Students are appointed by GSNA & USNA when an appeal arises. 
  • When there is an appeal these groups are contacted and they have students available. 
  • Students vary based on appeal and the student involved.

Current Faculty and End Terms

  • Andrew Reimer (2021) (Chair)
  • Carli Carnish (2021)
  • Esther Bernhofer (2022)
  • Valerie Toly (2022)


  • Department Assistant for Academic Affairs, Jennifer Sizemore

Bylaws: Article VII, Section 14



  • 2 years (2 odd years, 1 even year) Appointed as needed by Graduate Student Nurses Association
  • If not at least 2 faculty & 2 student members able to serve, Executive Committee of Faculty will designate faculty replacement. 
  • Executive Committee of GSNA will designate student replacement.


  • 3 voting faculty (elected) 3 student representatives (serve as voting members): 
  • One from MN, MSN, & DNP programs 
  • One elected faculty member designated as Chairperson by Dean or designee.
  • Quorum = 4 voting members

Current Faculty and End Terms

  • Nicholas Schiltz (2021) (Chair)
  • Rebecca Darrah (2021)
  • Amy Bieda (2022)


  • Department Assistant for Academic Affairs, Jennifer Sizemore

Bylaws: Article VII, Section 15


  • All faculty holding rank of Professor with Tenure.
  • Dean serves as Chairperson
  • Dean may appoint additional members from among tenured faculty not to exceed the number of professors with tenure.

Current Faculty

  • Carol Musil (Chair)
  • Joyce Fitzpatrick
  • Faye Gary
  • Susie Ludington
  • Joachim Voss
  • Jaclene Zauszniewski


  • Robert Book

Bylaws: Article VII, Section 16


  • 2 years (2 even years, 2 odd years)


  • 1-4 students from any of the following programs: BSN, MSN, GENP, DNP or PhD

4 voting faculty

  • Mary deHaan (2021)
  • Evanne Juratovac (2021)
  • Bev Capper (2022)
  • Elizabeth Click (2022)

1 special faculty(voting) Term: 2 years

  • Amy Lower (2021)


  • TBA


  • Interim Academic Dean Academic Affairs, Diana Morris
  • Program Director: BSN, Amy Bieda
  • Program Director: MSN, Latina Brooks
  • Program Director: MN, Molly Jackson
  • Program Director: DNP, Latina Brooks
  • Program Director: PhD, Joachim Voss
  • Director of Institutional Research-FPB, Cindy Danko (Co-Chair)


  • Accreditation Coordinator, Pam Collins

Bylaws: Article VII, Section 17


  • 3 years (3 year rotations with 3 terms up for election each year)
  • Elections run by PhD Council not the General Faculty.


  • 11 voting faculty with research doctorates (PhD, DNSc, EdD)
  • 2-4 members from each rank (Assistant, Associate, Full Professor)
  • Majority of members should be tenured or on tenure track

Current Faculty and End Terms

  • Joyce Fitzpatrick (2023)
  • Carolyn Harmon-Still (2023)
  • Matthew Plow (2023)*
  • Mary Dolansky (2022)*
  • Chao-Pin Hsiao (2022)
  • Scott Moore (2022)
  • Christopher Burant (2021)
  • Heather Hardin (2021)
  • Diana Morris (2021)*
  • Donna Dowling (2021)
  • Jaclene Zauszniewski (2021)*

Ex-officio (voting privileges)

  • Carol Musil
  • Joachim Voss (Chair)
  • Diana Morris
  • Ron Hickman
  • Diana Morris

Ex-officio (non-voting)

  • 1 student representative, Megan Alder


  • PhD Program Assistant, Atreya McCall

Special Committees

Bylaws: Article IX, Section 1


  • 3 year term (1/3 of faculty completing their term of office on commencement day each year)
  • Need 40% of voting faculty members to return ballots in election to this position.
  • 5 voting faculty (in accordance with the Constitution of the University Faculty)

Current Faculty and End Terms

  • Allison Webel (2021)
  • Andrew Reimer (2022)
  • Heather Hardin (2022)
  • Debbie Lindell (2023)
  • Carolyn Harmon Still (2023)

FPB Representative FSCUE (Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Education)
Constitution of University Faculty: Article IV, Section E


Executive Committee/Faculty Councils from the undergraduate faculties should select a faculty member to serve.

Current Faculty and End Terms

  • Jane Marek

Constitution of University Faculty: Article VI, Section C.1


  • No less than 2 years

Current Faculty and End Terms

  • Chris Winkelman

FPB Budget Committee should elect a faculty member to serve on the University Faculty Senate Budget Committee.
This individual must be a member of FPB’s Budget Committee.


DNP Faculty Resources

*2nd term, must wait at least 1 year before running for same committee position