Creating a New Plan

How to create a new business continuity plan

CWRU Ready uses a form-based approach to help you complete your department’s business continuity plan. Simply answer the questions within each section to begin building your department’s plan.

To create a new business continuity plan with CWRU Ready:

  1. Go to Click Sign in.
    Screenshot of Cwru Intro in Screen with the Sign In button highlighted
  2. Enter the email address and password registered with CWRU Ready. Click Sign in.
    Screenshot of filled out Sign in Screen with Sign in button highlighted
  3. Click Start a new plan.
    Screenshot of Cwru Ready Plans screen with Start a New Plan button highlighted
  4. Enter the Department name. Choose Major division, Acronym and Head of unit from the drop-down menus. Click Add plan.
    Screenshot of New Plan screen with all fields filled out and Add Plan button highlighted

You are now ready to build your business continuity plan with critical information pertaining to your department. Use the links in the left navigation menu to switch between the different sections of the plan. For more information, see Building a Plan.