Nominations Welcome
The Inamori Ethics Prize is designed to honor an individual who provides an example of ETHICAL LEADERSHIP on an INTERNATIONAL scale or who has made significant and lasting contributions to the GLOBAL UNDERSTANDING of ETHICS. We are looking to highlight the achievements, character, spirit or scholarship of an individual whom shows the world what it means to recognize and meet ethical obligations, even in the face of serious challenges. The nominee should be a person who has either shown or taught others what true ethical leadership is in some significant field or fields of human endeavor. The nominee’s work should urge respect for the dignity and worth of all human beings, and they should inspire others to action. Their efforts must be unquestionably beneficial, be done in the spirit of service to humankind, have international aspects and/or a global reach, and be likely to endure. The nominee must be alive and able to travel to Cleveland, Ohio for the prize events.
The Inamori Ethics Prize will be presented in the fall of each year at an elegant ceremony on the campus of Case Western Reserve University. In addition, the prize recipient will present a lecture to the public and there will be an academic symposium exploring issues related to the recipient’s humanitarian work. The recipient will also receive a commemorative medal and a cash prize.
Nominations for the 2024 Inamori Ethics Prize should be submitted no later than March 1, 2023.
Thank you for your interest, and please share the good news about the Inamori Ethics Prize.
All the best,
Shannon French, Director and Beth Trecasa, Associate Director