September 2024 Update
Our July 2023 - June 2024 Annual Report details the Inamori Center’s outcomes in the context of:
- Education and Action on Ethics, Values, and Justice;
- Excellence Through Ethical Leadership;
- Our Partnerships;
- and Our Planning and Priorities.
We appreciate your ongoing support of these efforts.
–Prof. Shannon E. French, Director and Beth Trecasa, Associate Director
August 2023 Update
We are proud to share our July 2022 - June 2023 Annual Report, which details the Inamori Center’s outcomes in the context of:
- Our Founder and Foundation;
- Utilizing Our Spaces;
- Conversations and Actions on Ethics, Values, and Justice;
- Excellence Through Ethical Leadership;
- Partnerships; and
- Metrics and Strategic Plan Priorities.
We welcome you partnership as we help people live ethical lives and create a more ethical world.
–Prof. Shannon E. French, Director and Beth Trecasa, Associate Director
March 2023 Update
Thank you to our community partners and donors. Please see our Priorities and Progress portion of this page for updates.
March 2022 Update
In 2020 and 2021, the Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence has devoted significant time and effort to reviewing our nearly 15-year operational history, strategic plans, reports, funding proposals, as well as conducting a comprehensive financial analysis, environmental scans, and surveys and interviews of our constituents and partners.
We are happy to share an Executive Summary of key goals and objectives for the next five years, including some current priorities. Contact inamoricenter@case.edu for a presentation and to discuss partnership opportunities.
December 2021 Update
In advance of the the Inamori Center's 15-year anniversary in 2022, we have completed an extensive strategic planning process and are pleased to begin sharing Our Story, Our Structure, Our Space: 2022 to 2027 with others, including our mission statement, key targets, strategic goals, and beginning objectives. Look for more information here soon and contact inamoricenter@case.edu for additional details or a presentation.
December 2020 Update
In an effort to best meet our mission, we feel that it is necessary to pause periodically, to reflect, to assess our progress, and to consider the ever-evolving environment in which we act. We do this to see if we should maintain the direction we have set or if we should adjust our course. We also take this time to review, refine, and revise how we describe our mission and associated activities, which is currently as follows:
The Inamori Center seeks to initiate and support: |
We meet our mission through: |
We will make our mission, capacity, and investment potential clear. |
We will develop more sustainability through human infrastructure. |
We will better utilize the power of our physical proximity and resources at CWRU. |
2024 - 2025 Priorities
Further develop Inamori Center identity and communication materials that can help us engage more people, especially internationally, and develop additional support and funding. |
Continue annual postdoctoral position to increase ability for broad engagement with research and curricular partners. Explore abilities to host two postdoctoral scholars. |
Make funding requests and explore collaborations to expand infrastructure of the Inamori Center. |
Continue to improve the international exposure of the Inamori Center and
Launch an initiatives to address the ethical, legal, and societal implications of existing and emerging technologies. |
2023 - 2024 Priorities and Progress
Create new ways to make sure that Inamori Center Donors and Community Partners feel appreciated, and develop new donors and partners.
Create a comprehensive Inamori Center identity and communication materials that can help us engage more people, especially internationally, and develop additional support and funding.
Establish postdoctoral position to increase ability for broad engagement with international biomedical engineering scholars.
Continue research efforts and prepare applications to journal indexes for The International Journal of Ethical Leadership, such as the Ethics Education Library. |
Continue to improve the international exposure of the Inamori Center and
2022 Priorities and Progress
Index The International Journal of Ethical Leadership to allow for citation tracking and increased individual and institutional indicators that affect rankings.
Formalize MA/JD track and create online Certificate option with strategic international partners to expand Military Ethics MA program.
Collaborate with CWRU strategic partners on high school engagement to collectively develop and steward relationships and increase participation.
Improve the international exposure of the Inamori Ethics Prize and the nomination process to increase nominations from and for individuals outside of the United States, as well as more nominations for female and non-binary individuals.