Timeframe for Completion of Degree
- The MN curriculum is two years in length. The curriculum must be completed within 4 years of initial enrollment.
- Please refer to the websites of the Master of Science in Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), and PhD in Nursing programs for information regarding time frame for completion of those degrees
- Records of students who do not complete the program within the specified timeframe will be re-evaluated in terms of the curriculum in effect at the time of review. The student may be required to take additional course work to graduate.
For students with experience in the armed forces of the United States, or in the National Guard or in a reserve component, the MN or BSN program will (a) Review the individual's military education and skills training; (b) Determine whether any of the military education or skills training is substantially equivalent to the curriculum established in Chapter 4723-5 of the Ohio Administrative Code; and (c) Award credit to the individual for any substantially equivalent military education or skills training. (In accordance with Ohio Revised Code 4723-5)
Progression in the Program
Satisfactory Academic Standing
Progression in the MN Graduate Entry Nursing Program is contingent upon satisfactory achievement in all required courses. To maintain satisfactory academic standing, students must attain and maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above. A grade of C is viewed as borderline performance. If a student’s semester GPA falls below a 3.0 or the overall GPA drops below 3.0, the student will be placed on probation and an individualized plan will be developed and documented. The student will be removed from probation when their overall GPA is a 3.0 or higher. If the student remains on probation for two semesters, the student’s record will be reviewed by the Executive Committee to determine whether extenuating circumstances warrant an additional semester of probation or whether the student should be separated from the program.
If a student receives a grade of F for a required course, the student must register for that course the next semester in which the course is offered. Refer to the section in the Student Handbook for more information on repeating a course with an F grade (See Policy on Course Repetition, Page 30, FPB School of Nursing Handbook 2024-2025). Master of Nursing (MN) students who receive two failing grades indicating unsatisfactory performance (F, NP, or U) in required courses will be separated from the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing. Progression from one semester to the next in the MN Program is contingent upon passing grades in all courses taken in the preceding semester.
Additionally, students must also exceed or meet all stated clinical objectives of a course with a clinical component. Unlike the theoretical/didactic component of a course, in which a letter grade is assigned based on student performance, the clinical portion of a course is either Pass or Fail. Students must receive an evaluation of Exceeds or Meets Expectations in all evaluated clinical components in a course with a clinical component to successfully complete that course and progress within the MN program.
A grade of Incomplete (I) can only be assigned by the discretion of the instructor when: 1) There are extenuating circumstances, explained to the instructor before the assignment of the grade, which clearly justifies an extension of time beyond the requirements established for and met by other students in the class, and 2) The student has been passing the course and only an evaluative component of the course, such as a term paper, final exam, or project remains to be completed. The "Arrangement to Resolve a Grade of Incomplete" form must be completed prior to the end of the semester, or the instructor may assign a grade of U or F. The instructor assigns a final evaluative grade when the completed work has been submitted. A grade of Incomplete must be resolved by the 11th week of the following semester. If the student does not complete the required work by the date established, the Registrar will convert the I grade to an F when the deadline for completion has passed. Students may not register and attend the same course in a later semester to complete the work required for the original course. Please refer to the University Incomplete Policy. Please see the University lncomplete Policy.
Master of Nursing students pursuing a post-licensure degree must meet all progression requirements of the degree program in which they are enrolled (MSN, DNP, or Ph.D.). Please refer to the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), and PhD in Nursing program websites for policies regarding progression in those programs.
Approval of RN Licensure Applications
The School of Nursing has the right to determine a student's readiness to sit for the NCLEX-RN exam and also reserves the right to restrict testing until the student demonstrates a readiness to pass the examination.
In order to have the "Program Completion" section of the application for RN licensure approved by the Program Director, students must meet the following criteria:
- Have been awarded the Master of Nursing (MN) degree.
- Demonstrate readiness to take the NCLEX-RN© examination by achieving at least a minimum score on a faculty-selected, standardized NCLEX-RN© predictor exam.
- Completion of an MN Program Student Portfolio