[U]Tech Basic Digital Accessibility Self-Paced Training

A man sits at his computer, smiling.

Enhance your skills and contribute to creating digital content that is easier to read, see, interact with, and understand with this one-hour [U]Tech Self-Paced Training course. This foundational course is tailored to promote the CWRU Digital Accessibility Policy and meets the diverse needs of our community. 

Join the Training

Through six comprehensive modules, you'll embark on a journey covering a wide range of digital accessibility topics, from fundamental concepts to best practices. 

Start Today! →

How to Use the Course

Log in using your CWRU credentials for secure access to the course materials. Follow the structured learning path, progressing through each module at your own pace, or reach out for a 30-minute training support session for personalized guidance. For any questions or assistance, please reach out to tltaccessibility@case.edu.

Complete all quizzes and activities to demonstrate your mastery of the material. Upon successful completion, you'll be eligible to earn the esteemed [U]Tech Basic Digital Accessibility badge and LinkedIn Learning Certificate, to demonstrate your dedication and expertise in digital accessibility.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and contribute to creating a more inclusive digital environment for everyone!