Poll Everywhere

Party banner with Poll Everywhere written on it

About Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is an audience response tool that can be used by instructors to engage with their class using interactive activities such as live multiple choice questions, word clouds, open ended questions, and competitions.

Updated resources coming soon!

Keep your eye on this page for updated support resources, coming in August 2024!

Poll Everywhere Instructor Account Request Form

To get started using Poll Everywhere, please reference our CWRU Poll Everywhere Instructor Quick Start Guide. You will need to request an account before you can use Poll Everywhere.

You can download the Poll Everywhere PowerPoint plug-in to your work or personal computer from the Poll Everywhere download and install page. See the Frequently Asked Questions below for information about Poll Everywhere on classroom computers.

We recommend using the Poll Everywhere website or the PowerPoint plug-in to present questions. For ease of creation, we also recommend building questions on the Poll Everywhere website, rather than building questions using the PowerPoint plug-in.

Connecting Poll Everywhere to Canvas

You can also connect Poll Everywhere to your Canvas course and sync grades from Poll Everywhere to Canvas. We have 2 guides to walk you through how to Sync your Canvas Course with Poll Everywhere and also to Sync Grades from Poll Everywhere to Canvas.

Poll Everywhere is an audience response tool that lets students interact with their classmates and instructor with live polling and interactive activities. This guide provides information on how to download the application, login to your student Poll Everywhere
account, view an activity, and provide a response.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Poll Everywhere installed on my classroom computer?
    • Yes, the Poll Everywhere plug-in for PowerPoint is installed on campus classroom TECs.
  • I already have a personal or free Poll Everywhere account, how can I use those questions with my CWRU account?
    • If you already have a free Poll Everywhere personal account, you can can copy or transfer questions from your personal account to your CWRU account.

Additional Support

For questions or additional assistance, please reach out to our help alias, polleverywhere@case.edu.