In order to earn the monetary incentives (up to $500 annually) for participating in the CWRU Wellness Program, there are attestation forms that faculty and staff must complete in HCM. For a reminder of the activities associated with the Wellness Incentive Program, visit the How to Participate page.
An attestation is a way for you to formally and truthfully declare your participation in incentive activities. The CWRU attestation forms trigger the addition of funds to your paycheck once all activities are complete.
2023 Wellness Program Incentive Attestations
Those who are 2023 Wellness Participants (currently earning the $25 monthly incentive) and who have completed one or more multi-week series in one of our eight Campus Program categories should attest to completion before November 30, 2023, to earn the additional $100-$200 in their December 2023 pay.
Wellness Program Incentive Attestation Instructions
2024 Primary Care Provider and Tobacco Attestations
Those interested in being a Wellness Participant in 2024 (and earning the $25 monthly incentive) should complete the Primary Care Provider (PCP) Attestation and Tobacco Attestation in HCM by November 30, 2023. (Note: Those who choose to complete a biometric screening need only complete one of these two attestations.)
PCP and Tobacco Attestation Instructions
1. Completion of the Health Risk Assessment (HRA) is also a requirement during the fall of 2023.
2. Only those who select a Benelect health insurance plan through CWRU are eligible for wellness incentives.
How to Check Your Wellness Activities Status
You can check on the status of your attestations, as well as other activities you have completed (including the Health Risk Assessment and biometric screening) in HCM at any time.