Welcome MSN Students

Welcome to the MSN Program!

Orientation Information

Along with the information you should be provided on parking, IDs, etc., there are a few additional items that you need to pay attention to as you proceed in the program (see below). Important information regarding policies and procedures are located in the following places: The School of Nursing Bulletin and FPB Student Handbook (also available linked on the Student Resources page). View the five year academic calendar. If you have any questions, contact the clinical preceptor coordinator or Latina Brooks, MSN & APRN DNP Program Director.

Please refer to the MSN Student Community Canvas site for the latest information. Every MSN student should have access. If you don't have access, please contact preceptor-coordinator@case.edu.

Orientation is a requirement and you can RSVP through this form.

Preparation for Clinical

Check the MSN Student Community Canvas site

Preparation for Clinical Experiences

Documentation of all of the items below must be uploaded to Typhon, and you must notify the Program Assistant once you've uploaded your documents so they may be reviewed prior to beginning in the clinical area.

  • Nursing License

    • Ohio Nursing License required for students participating in clinical in Ohio. For distance students practicing outside of Ohio, a compact license is preferred but a license from the state you will be participating in clinical is required at a minimum.
  • Background Check/Fingerprinting

    • We need to have a copy of your official criminal background check (fingerprinting) from Ohio BCI and FBI. In addition, distance students will need a background check for the state in which they will participate in clinical.
    • Fingerprinting can be arranged on an individual basis at CWRU Public Safety. Use their online scheduling system to plan an appointment: https://case.edu/publicsafety/services/fingerprinting.
    • Fees: Ohio BCI $35, FBI $35.
    • To help complete the fingerprint process quickly, please bring your CWRU ID, any documentation requesting fingerprinting, and a driver’s license or state-issued ID.
    • Fingerprinting can also be arranged through National Webcheck Community; view locations and prices at ohioattorneygeneral.gov/webcheck.
  • CPR Certification

    • All students must maintain current CPR certification while enrolled in clinical courses. Proof of CPR certification must be uploaded to Typhon, and Program Assistant notified.
  • Environmental Health & Safety Training

    • All students must complete Environmental Health and Safety Training annually. Details and schedule are posted to their website https://case.edu/ehs/training and include the topics: Hazard Communication Standard, Toxic and Hazardous Substances, Laboratory Standard, Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, Ancillary Radiation Safety, Chemical & General hazards on campus, Exposures, Basic laboratory safety skills, Handling of chemical and non-chemical waste, and Emergency procedures.
  • Drug Screen

    • All students must provide documentation of a negative 10-panel urine drug screen annually, and upload into Typhon. Drug screens are required to be arranged through CastleBranch for $47 (subject to change).
    • CastleBranch set up process
  • Immunizations

    • Before you start clinicals you must provide proof of immunization status for the following:  
      • MMR or positive titer    
      • Varicella or positive titer  
      • Hepatitis B or positive titer   
      • Negative TB Test results within the past year (using Quantiferon, Tspot, or PPD tests; or clear chest x-ray if positive results)
      • TDAP or positive titers   
      • Influenza vaccine by October 31 each year
    • While COVID-19 vaccine is not required at CWRU, some clinical rotation sites may have their own COVID-19 vaccine requirements. As always, health science students will need to comply with the requirements of clinical rotation sites (or obtain an exemption from the clinical rotation site) in order to complete their degree requirements.  Students planning to participate in clinical education settings should contact their program advisor/society dean as soon as possible to discuss the impact of non-vaccination or non-receipt of a booster on clinical placements.   
  • Advanced Certifications

    • Advanced Certifications are required for some MSN majors. It is expected that these advanced certifications will be obtained outside of course and clinical hours and at the student’s expense. Examples of Advanced Certifications include:    
      • ACLS for adult gerontology acute care nurse practitioner    
      • PALS for pediatric acute care nurse practitioner  
      • NRP for neonatal nurse practitioner and midwifery
      • Labor support course for midwifery   
      • Fetal monitor interpretation course for midwifery
      • CCRN for anesthesia
    • This list is not exhaustive, and requirements can change. Contact the program director or advisor for your major for the most current list of required advanced certifications.
  • Lab Coats

    • There is not a standard lab coat or lab coat patch for the MSN program. Some clinical sites will require a lab coat and others will not. To see if a lab coat is required, check with your preceptor.