Walk This Way
Walking a little can go a long way. Just 30 minutes a day can help you burn fat and lose weight. Check out our 1,2 and 3-mile campus walking maps. If the winter weather makes setting a brisk, safe pace a challenge, head to the indoor track at the Veale Recreation Center for a mid-day walk.

Award Winning Wellness Program
The CWRU Wellness Program is pleased to share that we were awarded the Healthy Workplace Gold Award for 2024. This award recognizes Ohio employers who demonstrate commitment to wellness through comprehensive worksite health promotion and wellness programs.
Fall 2024 participants in Financial Wellness numbered 101 with 96% reporting that they felt the program was "excellent" or "very good". Participants learned about important investment strategies, retirement considerations, insurance details, and using personal budgets to build savings.
513 faculty and staff were participants in WalktoberTM during 2024 with a final daily step count average of 9,912! Participants achieved weight loss goals, increased their physical activity, and found the benefits of working toward goal attainment with a team to be helpful.
Our special "Coping with Fall Events" programming, helped 50 individuals learn more about the power of kindness through "Small Acts, Big Impact: Be Healthier, Happier, and More Successful Through Kindness" over eight weeks. In addition, 45 faculty and staff learned about "Coping with Current Events: Cultivating Attentional Agency" over the course of four weeks.
The CWRU Wellness Program offers a variety of opportunities for participants to earn the Wellness Program Incentive on campus and online. However, there are off-site opportunities that may meet the criteria as well. These include programs offered through health insurance carrier Medical Mutual of Ohio, as well as community recreation centers, online classes with Avidon Health, and more.