Becki Algeri, Administrative Director, Center for Clinical Research, Cleveland Clinic
Katie Gartner, MA, CCRP, CHRC, Research Administrator, Center for Clinical Research IND/IDE Office, Cleveland Clinic
Danielle Jones, PhD, Research Integration and Education Specialist, Clinical Research Center, University Hospitals
The CTSC can facilitate timely and responsible completion of human studies, particularly those requiring recruitment of populations that are difficult to reach and those with complex protocols.
Each CTSC partner institution has resources to assist your projects from conception through completion. Whether you are a funded investigator that needs specific facilities, equipment, or services, or an early-career scientist that seeks help with co-management of human studies from concept development and start-up to study execution and closure, we can assist you with conducting responsible and reproducible research. We can also assist with research quality improvement and with increasing participant recruitment.
National Resources
Active Clinical Trials | ResearchMatch | Trial Innovation Network |
---|---|---| is a database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world. | ResearchMatch is a confidential, free, and secure registry that has been developed to involve you in the mission of helping today's studies make a real difference for everyone's health in the future. | The Trial Innovation Network is a collaborative initiative of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) that seeks to address critical roadblocks in clinical trials and accelerate the translation of novel research into clinical practice. Through our participation in the Trial Innovation Network, we provide study investigators with a broad range of services and consultations to optimize clinical trials and studies. |