CTSC Research Discovery Day

Research Discovery Day Banner Mountain scape with woman walking

A Celebration of Collaboration and Career Exploration in Clinical and Translational Research

Date: March 21, 2025

Time: 8:30AM - 2:00PM

Location: Tinkham Veale University Center, Case Western Reserve University (all Ballrooms)


The Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative of Northern Ohio invites you on a journey to explore translational research projects, career paths in clinical research, and to learn more about the variety of services offered within the CTSC.

CTSC Research Discovery Day aims to:

  1. Celebrate successful collaborative research from the CTSC and its partner institutions (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Clinic, MetroHealth, Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED), University Hospitals, University of Toledo and the VA Northeast Ohio Health System (VANEOHS))

  2. Showcase the variety of services and opportunities available from the CTSC

  3. Provide local high school and undergraduate students an opportunity to explore career paths in clinical research

Many aspects of clinical and translational research will be highlighted in this day-long symposium. Poster sessions will showcase a variety of CTSC-supported research among its partner institutions. Selected abstracts will be presented as short oral presentations.

A keynote speaker and panels to showcase the vast number of careers in clinical research (i.e. finance specialists, project managers, investigators) will also take place, so students can learn about daily responsibilities and their paths to these careers. There will be opportunities for CTSC resources and services among all CTSC partners to have informational tables at the event, with staff/faculty available to promote their services, discuss careers, and answer questions from attendees. 

Call for Poster Abstracts

The Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative of Northern Ohio invites you on a journey to explore translational research projects, career paths in clinical research, and to learn more about the variety of services offered within the CTSC.

A scientific poster session showcasing successful CTSC-connected research is part of the Discovery Day journey, and the call for poster abstracts is open!

Submission Deadlines

Abstract Deadline: January 31, 2025

Suggested Topics

The poster session is designed to showcase the field of translational science: understanding, developing, and enhancing the process of bringing research in the laboratories to solutions for improved health and healthcare in clinics and the community. Some examples of translational science categories include:

  • Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design
  • Contemporary Research Challenges
  • Education, Career Development, and Workforce Development
  • Evaluation
  • Health Equity and Community Engagement
  • Informatics and Data Science
  • Precision Medicine/Health
  • Regulatory Science
  • Research Management, Operations, and Administration
  • Science Policy an Advocacy
  • Team Science

Important Details

  • CTSC Research Discovery Day will be IN PERSON ONLY. If selected, all scientific posters must be presented in person at Tinkham Veale University Center, Case Western Reserve University on March 21, 2025.
  • We encourage the Multiple Principal Investigator (MPI) model for these submissions, but it is not mandatory.
  • The PI(s) should include a faculty member from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), Cleveland Clinic, MetroHealth Medical Center, University Hospitals, University of Toledo, Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) or the VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System.

Poster Awards

Posters will be judged and the top 3 posters will receive awards. You must submit a poster to be considered for a CTSC Research Discovery Day 2025 Award. Plan ahead and submit your poster proposal today for consideration for an award.

Poster Prizes

Posters are eligible for prizes and will be published on the CTSC Research Discovery Day 2025 website. 

  • Poster prizes for First Place ($400), Second Place ($300), and Third Place ($200)
  • All poster presenters will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a $100 prize

Please note: If accepted for a poster submission, you (or a member of your research team) must attend in person at the CTSC Research Discovery Day March 21, 2025, at Tinkham Veale University Center at CWRU. 


Research Discovery Day Agenda

Time  Events
8:30AM - 9:00AM Check-In and Breakfast 
9:00AM - 11:30AM

Concurrent Sessions  

  • 3-minute Thesis  
  • Poster Session 
  • Panel Discussion: Clinical Research Professionals: Hear from various clinical research professionals about a day in their life, how they got into their role, and the qualities they have that make them succeed in their positions.


11:30AM - 12:30PM Networking Lunch  
12:30PM - 1:30PM

Keynote Presentation: "Developing a Successful Career in Translational Research: From Concept to the Clinic" 

Dr. Michael Holinstat

Professor, Department of Pharmacology

University of Michigan  

1:30PM - 2:00PM Poster Awards