Amanda Tyhulski, Research Integration and Education, University Hospitals
Jerry Tribout
Research Participant Recruitment Manager
ResearchMatch has a simple goal - to bring together two groups of people who are looking for one another:
1. People who are trying to find research studies, and
2. Researchers who are looking for people to participate in their studies.
ResearchMatch is a confidential, free, and secure registry that has been developed to involve you in the mission of helping today's studies make a real difference for everyone's health in the future.
Research Match for Participants
Be a volunteer! Volunteers are registering in ResearchMatch. Remember, they are not registering to participate in any study; rather, they are registering their interest to be contacted about studies that may be a good 'match' for them. Additional responses to FAQs can be found on the site.
Research Match for Researchers
If you are a researcher interested in using ResearchMatch as a recruitment tool, please complete the Researcher Interest Form so you may be notified of your options for utilizing this resource.
Visit the ResearchMatch website to learn more about this resource.