Case Western Reserve University
10900 Euclid Ave.
Wood Building, WG74
Cleveland, OH 44106-4945
In addition to the above opportunities, the CTSC supports the following programs and services designed to advance clinical and translational science.
Clinical Research Scholars Program (CRSP)
The Clinical Research Scholars Program (CRSP) at Case Western Reserve University offers a Master's in Clinical Research through two pathways. Both pathways are flexible two-to four-year Master's programs that provide rigorous didactic education in clinical research methods coupled with either an in-depth mentored investigative thesis or hands-on experience in conducting clinical research through a Capstone Project. View all clinical research programs at CWRU.
PhD in Clinical Translational Science (CTS)
The goal of the CTS program is to train and graduate clinical-translational scientists to meet the need for a transformed clinical and translational enterprise. Students in the program will be rigorously educated in the theory and practice of clinical translational science in order to make significant clinical discoveries and to move these discoveries across the translational continuum.
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Research
The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Research program combines knowledge from biostatistics, epidemiology, and study design with training in ethical, legal, and regulatory issues in patient-oriented research. Upon completion of the Certificate Program, individuals will achieve basic competency in the following domains:
- Formulation of Clinical Research Questions
- Literature Critique
- Study Design
- Analytic Methods
- Research Ethics
Clinical Research Team Training
These educational opportunities are offered at the five partner institutions within the Cleveland CTSC. They are designed to provide training for all research team members as well as to provide awareness of the many resources that are available to the team across the institutions. Courses may offer CREC credits. Please take advantage of these shared resources!
Note: Course offerings may be institution specific and have limited sitting. Please contact course coordinators at the individual institutions with questions.
Case Western Reserve University
- Contact: Tracy J. Wilson-Holden
Executive Director, Research Integrity, Education & Outreach
Phone: (216) 368-6131
Email: - Research Education + Training
CWRU School of Dental Medicine
- Contact:
- Research Support
CWRU School of Nursing
- Contact: Ronald Hickman, PhD, RN, ACNP-BC, FAAN
Associate Dean for Research
Phone: 216.368.2147
Email: - IRB + Research Compliance
Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Contact: Kevin C. Hoy, PhD
Email: - Clinical Research Office
Cleveland Clinic
- Contact: Colleen Rouse, RN, MS
Research Education Manager, Center for Clinical Research
Phone: (216) 444-4554
MetroHealth Medical Center
- Contact: Carey Gorden, JD, MA
Manager, Human Research Protection Program
Address: Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive Cleveland, Ohio 44109-1998
Phone: (216) 778-2021
Email: - MetroHealth System IRB
University Hospitals
- Contact: Carrie O'Neill
Manager, Research Education
Phone: (216) 844-5524
Email: - Research Compliance & Education
The Academic Careers in Engineering & Science (ACES+) program at Case Western Reserve University was part of the National Science Foundation (NSF) ADVANCE program to develop a national science and engineering workforce that includes the full participation of women at all levels of faculty and academic leadership.