Clinical and Translational Science Research Program

CTSC Research Program Team Contacts

Ruth Farrell, MD,  Co-Lead 

Goutham Rao, MD, Co-Lead

The Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative (CTSC) CTS Research Program seeks letters of intent for 2–3-year Pilot Projects. The specific goal of the CTS Research Program is to support projects which promote health equity and reduce health disparities in chronic illness through the innovative use of technology. We are interested in proposals which are aligned with the overall goals of the collaborative including understanding health equity in addition to overcoming barriers to recruitment of underrepresented groups in clinical research, integration of community and stakeholder partners throughout the research process, and implementation of novel research programs in clinical and community settings in a manner that promotes health equity.

The technology itself needs not be innovative – it is the application of technology to populations. Examples of innovative uses of technology to improve health outcomes while ensuring access to new biomedical science and technology. That may include studies that utilize technological tools to promote self-monitoring of chronic illnesses (e.g., heart failure, asthma, HIV, diabetes), and technology-based tools to support care of patients at home. The CTS Research Program will prioritize projects involving special populations and underrepresented minorities, specifically African Americans, Hispanics, LGBT+ population, seniors older than 75, persons with disabilities or rural residents.

Eligibility and Criteria for Review: The PI is required to be a CWRU, full-time faculty member (or the equivalent) from CWRU, the Cleveland Clinic, MetroHealth, University Hospitals, or VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System and eligible to be a PI for a NIH grant. Multiple PI applications are highly encouraged. Co-Is may include community health leaders. The research team must have representation from at least two CTSC affiliate sites.

Submission Process: Investigators who have submitted a LOI proposal consistent with the goals of the CTS Program Pilot Program have been invited to submit a full application.

Full Applications need to follow the NIH R21 ( ) format. This includes a one-page specific aims page and a research strategy page section of no more than 6 pages.

Please continue to use the same 4-digit SPARCRequest (“Project ID”) obtained from your LOI application.

A copy of the 2023 full RFA can also be found here: CTSP Full RFA

RFA Release: May 2025

Full Application Deadline: September 2025

Selected Projects Begin: January and July 2026 (two projects selected)

The CTS Program will review applications for the following aspects:

  • How well is your project aligned with the overall goals of the CWRU CTSC?
  • What is innovative about the use of technology for care of patients with chronic illness?

(e.g., innovative technology, or application to a novel patient population or condition, or novel approach to use of technology which complements standard of care).

  • How will you engage diverse and underrepresented populations in the conduct of research and implementation of the study results?
  • What is the general approach for implementation and anticipated outcomes of your project?
  • How will relevant stakeholders be engaged in the project? (e.g., community groups, providers, patient-partners)?
  • What is the composition and qualification of team members who will lead the project?
  • How will the results of the project be disseminated?
  • What are future plans for sustaining the project or advancing the project through additional research?

Budget Considerations: CWRU will serve as the fiscal entity through which CTSC funds will be distributed and administered. The amount of the pilot award will be dependent on the scope and type of the project. Awards may involve the incorporation of novel methodologies, technology or programming for translational studies and use of CTSC resources. Budget must be well justified. Awardees are encouraged to supplement awards with additional institutional, departmental, or private funds. Funds may be allocated between $125,000-$175,000 per year depending on the duration of the project. A specific budget justification should be detailed. Although the project can span up to 3 years, investigators should include the details justifying why several years are required for the success of the project. A budget page and list of allowable expenses can be found on the CTSC website.

Contact Nora Brown MSN, CNS with questions:


Applying for the CTS Research Program is a two-step process:

  1. You will first need an ID number for your project from SPARCRequest (called a "Project ID"). Visit SPARCRequest and add "Clinical and Translational Science Research Program" under Pilot Funding Opportunities to your cart and continue through the prompts to complete your submission.
  2. Once you have obtained your "Project ID", continue to InfoReady to submit your LOI for the CTS Research Program.

How do I find my SPARCRequest ID (SRID)?

  1. Log into SPARCRequest with your CWRU Single-Sign On ID and password
  2. In the search bar, search “Clinical and Translational Science Research Program”
  3. Click on “Service: Clinical and Translational Science Research Program”, then click the green box “Yes”
  4. Follow the prompts to submit your request
  5. At the end of the prompts, you will be given a SRID (SPARCRequest ID)

For additional information about the SPARCRequest ID, please see the CTSC's website.