MSN Student Program Outcomes

Picture of two women discussing techniques over a dummy patient.

Student Learning Outcomes

Effective Fall 2025

Knowledge for Nursing Practice 

Applies advanced nursing and interdisciplinary knowledge from academic and active learning experiences in clinical judgment and patient management.

Person-Centered Care 

Assumes the direct and indirect roles and functions of advanced nursing practice to promote health, prevent illness, and improve the health of patients and populations.

Population Health

Collaborates through partnerships with patients, communities, and other healthcare professionals to address population health outcomes. 

Scholarship for Nursing Practice

Utilizes theory and research to identify clinical problems or solutions, participates in scientific inquiry, and translates scholarship into practice.

Quality and Safety

Develops interprofessional, culturally sensitive and evidence-based initiatives to continuously improve the safety and quality of institutional health care.

Interprofessional Partnerships

Fosters collaboration with intra- and interprofessional teams to enhance practice and patient/population health outcomes.

Systems-Based Practice

Advocates for system improvements and provides optimal care to diverse populations using evidence-based methodologies.

Information and Healthcare Technologies

Integrates informatic and technological tools to manage and improve communication and the delivery of safe, high-quality, and efficient healthcare services in accordance with the best practice and professional and regulatory standards.


Incorporates ethical principles in advanced nursing practice and advocates for the development of policies to improve health outcomes in diverse populations

Personal, Professional, & Leadership Development

Promotes implementation of the full scope of nursing practice assuming leadership positions at the local/state/national levels.