Translational Science Week 2024

The CTSC was founded on September 17, 2007. We celebrated our birthday during the second annual Translational Science Week.

See below for a list of celebratory activities: 

Monday, September 16

Are you a member? To ensure you are receiving the latest information from the CTSC, fill out a brief survey to connect with us and learn more about events, funding, and resources that the CTSC has to offer.

Tuesday, September 17

Happy Birthday, CTSC of Northern Ohio!

LinkedIN profile

It's our 17th birthday! Follow us social media as we share what Translational Science looks like at our partner sites. Locations to include: Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals, MetroHealth, VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System, Northeast Ohio Medical College (NEOMED), The University of Toledo, and Case Western Reserve University and select community collaborators.

Connect on LinkedIn! 

Wednesday, September 18

Meet the CTSC of Northern Ohio

meet the ctsc

We want to thank our translational science workforce and continue the week-long celebration with a 'meet & greet' and free ice cream! Meet the CTSC research administration team at the Biomedical Research Building patio (or lobby in case of inclement weather) to pick up a treat and learn about the CTSC of Northern Ohio.

ctsc team

Blood Drive

ctsc blood drive

In honor of National Sickle Cell Awareness Month (September), the CTSC of Northern Ohio will host a blood drive! 

giving blood

Thursday, September 19

CTSC Research Collaboratory


CTSC of Northern Ohio Investigators will be invited to attend a special event focused on collaboration and networking. This exclusive one-hour SpeedMatchApp networking event is designed to facilitate meaningful connections and foster new research collaborations and partnerships. This invitation-only gathering will offer a unique opportunity to meet, network, and initiate collaborations with like-minded professionals in a structured and efficient format.

For more information on cross-study or cross-institution research opportunities, please contact our Research ConciergeJeri Jewett-Tennant

Friday, September 20

Workshop Launch: Research Disabilities Awareness, Down Syndrome

The CTSC of Northern Ohio and the Down Syndrome Association of Northeast Ohio (DSANEO) co-created a Research Disabilities Awareness: Down Syndrome workshop to increase research done with, for, and by people with disabilities, with a focus on Down Syndrome. 

down syndrome