CTSC Recruitment Focus Group Past Webinars
Clinical and research health professionals from the Cleveland Clinic, MetroHealth, University Hospitals and Case Western Reserve University engaged in a collaborative focused discussion on the challenges and opportunities for success in recruiting for clinical trials in NE Ohio (video length 1:22:30).
The CTSC helps to facilitate timely and responsible completion of human research studies, particularly those requiring recruitment of populations that are difficult to reach (Integrating Special Populations or ISP).
ISP Point Persons:
- are local investigators, providers, and subject matter experts with knowledge of special populations and recruitment barriers
- will advise and assist investigators in creating recruitment and retention strategies for a wide range of populations
- will convene to establish best practices
The objectives of this webinar include:
- sharing best practices
- identifying recruitment and retention strategies for specified populations
- establishing a city-wide collaboration for future studies in special populations