Access Request Policy

I - Definitions


  1. Name - As listed in this document refers to an individual’s legal name.
  2. Semester - Defined by the university’s Office of the Registrar and as approved by the Faculty Senate.
  3. "Employment status" refers to the four recognized work schedules of full-time, part-time, temporary, and term.
  4. Dental School - refers to the School of Dental Medicine at the Case Western Reserve University.


  1. The university recognizes three employee classifications: faculty, staff and student employee. For further details please refer to the CWRU Employee Classification and Status page.
  2. Student - is registered as a student
    • Pre-doctoral (DMD)
    • Post-doctoral (resident)
    • Intern - for the purposes of this policy as a intern is registered as a student they are therefore considered to be a student.
  3. Staff - "Staff" includes employees who, directly or indirectly, support Case in teaching and/or research. The employment status of staff can be defined in four ways:
    • Full-time
    • Part-time
    • Temporary
    • Term
  4. Faculty - "Faculty" includes all individuals who hold academic or clinical appointments in the School of Dental Medicine. The employment status of faculty can be defined in three ways:
    • Full-time
    • Part-time
    • Temporary
  5. "Student employee" - All student employment is defined as temporary and refers to a Case student whose employment is either:
    • A referral from Student Employment and restricted to 20 hours/week
    • Part of an academic program
  6. Affiliates - Are either Student, Faculty or Staff, for which access requests will be handled by the appropriate method listed below.
  7. Temporary employees - The position is considered of limited duration to fill a defined short term need (less than 12 months).
  8. Emeritus - for the purposes of this policy they are considered to be Faculty.
  9. Volunteers - for the purposes of this policy they are considered to be Faculty. 

II - Submission Method for Access Changes 

  • The Contact IT Tool is used for all access changes including the removal (termination) of access.
  • Self-access requests are not permitted. All access requests must come from the specifically authorized staff for each personnel type.
  • Access will only be granted to the specific IT systems requested.
  • The department is responsible for scheduling HIPAA Training. All individuals must complete HIPAA Training before access is granted to Dental School systems even if they do not work in a clinical area. The record of merit for HIPAA Training must reflect that training has been completed before access is granted. 

III - Pre-Doctoral (DMD) Students Access Request/Changes 

  1. All new pre-doctoral access requests come from the CWRU SODM Registrar.
    1. The request will include specifics for computer access, axiUm and/or other systems.
    2. The request will be provided no later than five business days after the start of classes in an academic year.
    3. The request will include the student’s first names, last names, student number, and CWRU network ID all in separate, clearly labeled, columns in a spreadsheet.
  2. Upon their graduation the Dental School Registrar will submit a request for the termination of the student’s access.
    1. The request will include the termination of computer and axiUm or other access for the student class.
  3. All requests for changes to pre-doctoral student’s access come from the CWRU SODM Registrar.
    1. When a student changes their status the CWRU SODM Registrar must notify IT immediately. The request will include specifics for computer access and for axiUm or other accounts to be created. The name, 4 digit School of Dental Medicine ID number and Case network ID must be provided at the time of notification.
    2. Such requests can be generated for example, as the result of graduation, terminating the program early, dismissal, a leave of absence or change in the expected graduation year for the program. This also applies for students who legally change their name. 

IV - Graduate Student (Residents) Access Request/Changes 

  1. All new graduate student access requests come from the CWRU SODM Grad Studies Coordinator.
    1. The request will include specifics for computer access and for axiUm or other system accounts to be created.
    2. The request will be provided one month prior to the start of the residencies.
    3. The request will include the student’s first names, last names, expected graduation/program end date and CWRU network ID all in separate, clearly labeled, columns in a spreadsheet.
  2. Upon their graduation the CWRU SODM Grad Studies Coordinator will submit a request for the termination of the student’s access.
    1. The request will include the termination of computer, axiUm access, and/or any other pertinent accounts.
  3. All requests for changes to graduate student’s access come from the CWRU SODM Grad Studies Coordinator.
    1. The request will include specifics for computer access and for axiUm accounts to be created.
    2. When a student changes their status the CWRU SODM Grad Studies Coordinator must notify IT immediately. The student's name, 4 digit SODM Student number and Case network ID must be provided at the time of notification.
    3. Such requests can be generated for example, as the result of graduation, terminating the program early, dismissal, a leave of absence or a change in the expected graduation year for the program. This also applies for students who legally change their name. 

V - Intern Access Request/Changes 

  1. All new intern access requests come from the CWRU SODM Grad Studies Coordinator.
    1. The request will include specifics for computer access and for axiUm or other system accounts to be created.
    2. Only interns in the departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS) and Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences (OMMDS) are eligible for access to clinical systems.
  2. Upon the completion of their experience the CWRU SODM Grad Studies Coordinator will submit a request for the termination of the intern’s access.
    1. The request will include the termination of computer, axiUm access, and other pertinent accounts.
  3. All requests for changes to intern access come from the CWRU SODM Grad Studies Coordinator.
    1. The request will include specifics for computer access and for axiUm accounts to be created. 

VI - Faculty Access Request/Changes 

  1. All new Faculty access requests, including volunteers, come from the CWRU SODM Dean’s Office.
    1. If the Dean's office is not available to make such a request, the request can come from one of the following parties:
      • the Associate Dean of Clinical Operations
      • the CWRU SODM Business Manager
      • the CWRU SODM CFO
    2. The request must:
      • include specifics for computer access, axiUm, and/or other account(s) to be created
      • be provided no later than five business days prior to the start of the Faculty member’s service
  2. Upon the completion of the faculty member's employment the CWRU SODM Dean’s Office, or the department chair for the department they served under, shall submit a request for the termination of the Faculty member’s access.
    1. The request will be provided no later than five business days prior to the end of the Faculty member’s service.

VII - Staff Access Request/Changes 

  1. All new staff access requests, including student workers, must come from the CWRU SODM Business Manager. If the CWRU SODM Business Manager is not available, the request may come from the CWRU SODM CFO, or from the Dean's Office. Student workers access request/changes also can be placed by relevant Department Chairs offices in departments where the student worker will perform activities.
    1. The request will include specifics for computer access and for axiUm, or other system accounts to be created.
    2. The request shall be provided no later than five business days prior to the start of the staff member’s employment.
    3. All departments must, at the beginning of each semester, submit a list of student workers to the CWRU SODM Business manager which will include new, continuing and departing student workers. Each department is responsible for maintaining a current list of all student employees in their department.
  2. Upon the termination or transfer of staff employment the CWRU SODM Business Manager will submit a request for the termination of the staff member’s access. For student workers this request can also be placed by relevant Department Chairs offices in departments where the student worker performed activities.
    1. The request will be provided no later than five business days prior to the end of the staff member’s service (including student employees) with the exception of special circumstances (such as immediate employment termination) in which the request can be provided immediately. 

VIII - Access to Data/Folders 

  1. The request for access must come from the data owner.
  2. The request for access shall explicitly state the Case Network ID for the person(s) who is to be granted access or who is to have their access removed.
  3. The request for access shall explicitly state what data/folder the access request is for.
  4. The request must explicitly state the level of access (read only, write, etc.) to be provided. 

IX - Access to Electronic Health Record (EHR) 

To be granted access to the Dental School’s Electronic Health Record (EHR) the following steps must be followed:

  1. Have a valid CWRU Identification card.
    • If you do not have a valid CWRU identification card or are in need of a new one, your department will have to request one from Access Services by sending an email including the following information:
      1. Full name
      2. Network ID
      3. Duration of access requested
      4. Department speedtype for $25.00 ID Card fee.
      Email requests are to be forwarded to:
    • Once Access Services has received this email from the department administrator, you can go to Yost Hall, Room 102, with a copy of their contract or HR paperwork to receive their identification card.
  2. Have a valid CWRU Network ID.
    • If a department administrator is unsure if the requestor has a network id assigned, they may check it by using the activation page and entering their information
    • If the requestor does not have network id assigned, an affiliate id can be requested by the authorized staff for the personnel type (see above).
    • If the requestor has a network id assigned but has never activated the account, they will need to activate their own account (
  3. Have an access request submitted (See Access Request Policy section II Submission Method for Access Changes for the proper procedure)
  4. Once these steps are complete, the requestor will go in person to the Dental School IT offices (DOA300 or DOA13A on Ground or 204E on floor #2) with their valid CWRU identification card to activate their EHR Account.