Child Care Subsidy Program

The university will subsidize up to $2,000 per fiscal year to support the cost of child care for eligible members of our campus community. Please review the information below based on your role at the university. Applications are accepted April 1 through May 15.

Faculty and staff members who meet the following criteria will be eligible for the Child Care Subsidy Program: 

  • Be current benefits eligible faculty or staff having one year of service as of the beginning of the fiscal year.
    • Faculty with the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, senior instructor, instructor and lecturer and who have an appointment or reappointment letter specifying a salary paid through the university that is 50-percent or more of a full-time equivalent salary. Faculty members who hold adjunct appointments, clinical appointments and visiting appointments are not eligible. 
    • Staff who are regular employees and work at least half-time. Temporary and Term employees are not eligible.
  • Have a dependent child aged six and under as of July 1 of the current fiscal year. Children are defined as dependents if the employee provides them with more than 50-percent of their financial support for the year, as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code, and the children reside in the employee’s home at least one-half of the taxable year.
  • Are a single custodial parent or married with a spouse or spouse equivalent who is employed or enrolled in school at least 15 hours per week or has a documented disabling condition preventing full-time caregiving.
  • Have a custodial family household Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of no more than $150,000.

Payment will occur in the June 30 paycheck, after the application form and appropriate tax and dependent documentation are reviewed and approved by Benefits Administration. Please note that the reimbursement is subject to tax.

Applications are accepted April 1 through May 15. Employees must apply each year for this benefit. Only employees submitting a complete application on or before May 15 are eligible for this benefit. A family is limited to one subsidy per fiscal year. The subsidy is subject to change.

Please click this link to apply (starting April 1, 2025).

Custodial Family Household Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)


< $50,000


$50,001 - $99,000


$99,001 - $150,000


Postdocs and students who meet the following criteria will be eligible for the Child Care Subsidy Program: 

  • Full-time postdocs who have been in their role for one year, as of the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1).
  • Full-time, enrolled, degree-seeking students who have been a student at least one full academic year (Fall 2023 and Spring 2024).
  • Have a dependent child aged six and under as of July 1 of the current fiscal year (i.e., application year). Children are defined as dependents if the employee provides them with more than 50-percent of their financial support for the year, as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code, and the children reside in the postdoc/student’s home at least one-half of the taxable year.
  • Are a single custodial parent or married with a spouse or spouse equivalent who is employed full time or enrolled full time in a degree-granting program or has documentation that a disabling condition prevents full-time caregiving.
  • Have a custodial family household Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of no more than $150,000.

Reimbursement will occur in the June 30 paycheck, after the application form and appropriate tax and dependent documentation are reviewed and approved by the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs. Please note that the reimbursement is subject to tax.

The Office of the Provost is working out the process and timing of reimbursement for all students who apply and qualify for the subsidy. Those details will be shared when they become available.

Applications are accepted April 1 through May 15. 

Postdocs and students must apply each year for this benefit. Only postdocs submitting a complete application on or before May 15 are eligible for this benefit. A family is limited to one subsidy per fiscal year. The subsidy is subject to change.

Reimbursement is based on family household adjusted gross income. See chart below to determine your subsidy amount:  

Custodial Family Household Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)


< $50,000


$50,001 - $99,000


$99,001 - $150,000
